22| Valentine's Day

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I had this silly idea to make this and im really happy about it. I just sent all of my lava photos to my friends and they were all 'happy'!!! One of the wrote 'WTH' the other one wrote: 'Why He has brown skin?' Idk if She wanted to sound racist but who knows🤷‍♀️

Kai and Cole are not dating yet and IDK if i put smut or not... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Cole's POV:

I was in my bed sleeping. I love sleeping. Its one of my favourite things. Like cake, listening songs and..... oh. And Kai. I love him and im sure he doesn't feels the same. He is probably straight.

I woke up and i looked at my phone. It was 8:15 am. It was kinda late a bit for a ninja. And i feel kinda odd. I feel like this day is not normal as the other days.

I got up and i get my clothes on. I went to the bathroom to get ready myself for the day. When i went to the living room i saw that Zane, Pixal, Jay and Nya were packing some things.

"What is happening right now?" I asked and Kai came to me. A bit close. "They're going on a double date."

I looked confused. "Why?" Kai rolled his eyes. "Because today is Valentines day. Ugh. I don't like it. And they don't go on a simple date for just some hours, they are going on for a week!"

He rolled his eyes and i blushed a little. In the first i thought i need to stay with Kai for a week alone when i realized that Lloyd, sensei and Misako are there too.

"Hello my fellow students. Im going to a difficult mission for a week. Do you have a question to ask?" They shaked their head and sensei went out of the monastery.

I started to panic a little but i knew that Lloyd and Misako are still there. Just when i thought of that Misako came out of her room. "Where are you going Misako?" She looked at me and spoke up.

"I need some books for my lil project, so im going on a library which is not in Ninjago. This is in another realm, so I'll be there about a 1 week." I panicked a bit but then i realized again that Lloyd is still there.

"Hey guys! I can't speak much cause i need to go to the pillowmint camp, because im the pillowmint's #1 fan. They invited me and it will be 1 week long so byeeeeee!"

He then left. I know panicked like crazy cause i need to stay alone with my crush for a week. I blushed so hard. Me and my crush. All alone. In the monastery. For a week.

After everyone left i sat on the couch. I blushed more when Kai saw me. "You okay? You're really red rn." He came closer and he put his hands on my forhead.

I blushed more. "Y-yea! I-im totally f-fine!" He sighned and he told that he needs to talk with someone.

I nodded and i calmed myself down. "Calm down Cole. Its just Valentines day. You have a change now. Just confess him. How hard can it be?"

Kai's POV:

I moved to my room and i closed it. I blushed madly. "Me and Cole together in the monestary alone.... AHHHHHH! No no. I-i i need to talk with her."

"Pick up pls. Pick up pls. Finally. Hey Skylor. Can you help me? Pls." She chuckled. "Yes. What do you need?"

"Well i told you about my crush remember?"

"Yea. You're in so love with Cole."

"Yea shut up. Well everyone is gone for a week except me and him. Im FREAKING OUT! What should i do?"

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