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Emily had been waking up early every day in order to study the case files Penelope had given her. From what Emily could tell the team had done an excellent job, she wouldn't change a thing.

Reading everyone's notes helped her gain insight into the brief run down Penelope had given her.

Agent Hotchners file was filled with managerial information. It was a clear, concise overview of the case filled with snippets of information from the rest of the teams files. It included extra details such as conversations with higher management and his instructions that were delegated to the rest of the team.

Agent Gideons paperwork was similar, an overall summary of the case with direct quotations of conversations with suspects and witnesses. If it wasn't for the missing information that Agent Hotchner had covered, Emily would have assumed that this was written by the chief of the unit. Emily recalled what Penelope had said about Agent Gideon being a founding father of the team, and the previous chief. His paperwork definitely reflected that. Emily also noted the similarity between the two men's writing styles from the structure they used, to the language. Emily assumed that Agent Gideon had mentored Agent Hotchner, resulting in their similar paperwork traits.

Agent Morgan's paperwork was more focussed around his direct contact with witnesses and suspects, as well as the locations he was tasked to visit. He also focussed in on obsessional crimes and took note of any details he had observed during the investigation. Emily smirked while reading Agent Morgan's notes, she made a mental note of the high amount of doors that needed to be replaced under the FBI's insurance.

Dr Spencer Reids notes were more like journal articles than case notes. They were filled with statistics and subtle details that only he noticed. He had detailed the suspects linguistic tones, and he even performed graphology analysing the handwriting of all the suspects they came in contact with. Penelope was right, he was a genius.

Agent Jareau's notes were filled with media contacts and communications as well as any press conference notes she had made. Emily noted that there was more than that though, Agent Jareau had profiling notes in there that she had made. She was clearly more than a simple media liaison, she was smart and very involved in the profiling of suspects. She also had a lot of contact with the families of victims, and it was clear through her notes that she was always able to build a great rapport with them enabling the team to get as much information as possible. Her job was a lot more detailed than Emily had first assumed.

Finally there was Agent Penelope Garcia. Her case files were almost as thick as Dr Reid's. However instead of long text filled pages there were pages of screenshots. Emily could follow Penelope's train of thought through the well documented photos that ultimately always lead to the unsub they had been searching for.  Penelope was right when she said she dove into the depths of the internet. Every payment made, location visited, and text message that the unsubs had ever sent were now forever immortalised in these case files.

Emily was left feeling incredibly impressed with the team she was about to join. They functioned so well together but also independently, with each person seeming to thrive in their own specialty.

It was about 7pm when Emily received a phone call.

"Hey Emily! It's Penelope. I just wanted to give you a quick call to let you know the team is expected back in about 2 hours."

She said sounding as chirpy as ever despite the long hours Emily knew she had been working.

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