Part fifteen

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Sabre Pov-

 I stared at the Ceiling as I questioned myself. Why did I think I'd be able to sleep by myself. I had never been able to. My fears Of Corrupted returning and Taking over me were to strong. Even if it was just for a minute He could ruin anything!

 Corrupted... The reason that I had lost my wings and Family. If he hadn't even existed I would have kept my Family and wings. If Only I had learned how to get rid of him Sooner! I shook my head to clear my Thoughts as I remembered how Hypno was Acting earlier. It seemed like he was hiding something.

 But I didn't mind. We all Hide something. I hide a Lot of things about myself. I hide everything behind a Smile.

 "Sabre are you alright?" Shadow asked as He formed himself next to me. Somehow he had managed to do this whenever we were in the Dark. It was only me that could see him though.

 "No I'm Not. I'm Afraid." I told my counter part. "There's times when neither of us Have control and I don't know Why. It scares me."

 "hm... do you not know of your other Self? He looks like you except he has a bunch of Crystal Shards in his Skin and A Purple hue. his Hair fades into Purple as Well." What?

 "What color are the Crystal Shards?" I asked as He frowned.

 "Purple. The Guy loves the color and Hates me and Someone called 'Corrupted'. He's mentioned him a few times when We do talk. Something about how he keeps trying to Control you? Purple as I've been calling him told me that he was doing something to stop him. I guess controlling you?"

 "Wait, So, There's Someone else in my mind you didn't tell me about?" I asked confused.

 "To be honest I thought you knew Sabre. Although whenever he mentions you he talks as If he knows of you but doesn't know You... Do you not know him?" Shadow Asked confused as I sighed.

 "No I don't know him. How would I have? He never talks to me and I didn't even know of his existence until today."

 "Well darn. I mean you didn't know Ori was in your head until you met him so it makes sense."

 "In my defense I didn't think I'd be stupid enough to let someone into my head."

"Wha- Rude."

"only to you Shadow. Only to you." I told him as He huffed.

 "Just as it's Only to me that you tell all about your crush on M."

 "Wha- Shut up."

 "Nah. you keep telling me how great he is and yet, you never find the courage to tell him that. What are you, A coward?" Shadow asked as I huffed.

 "Yes. Yes I am a Coward Shadow. I don't want to lose another person in my Life." I informed him as he went silent.

 "You need to let me know the topics I shouldn't bring up Sabre." He finally said before forcing my body to sleep.

 I'll Try...

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