Part Seventeen

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 Falling... Falling... Falling. Why did he push me off? I thought he was My Friend...


Why do my wings hurt so Much? It was just a small scratch... Right?


 Fire... Fire... Fire... Why Did She Catch the Place on fire? Did they hate me that Much? I didn't even do anything to them...


 Falling again... I'm afraid... My wings are gone. Torn... Broken... I thought you were My Friend....


Why? Why must you make me Fall?


 Corrupted... You will Pay... No One hurts my family...


Why? I did everything Right... Why Did you throw me away? You said that you loved me...


Father? Where are you? He's Gone... I destroyed him... You said that we'd be together again...


He killed them... He killed my Friends.. I couldn't stop him... He broke Free for just a moment... I'm sorry... I never wanted to Hurt anyone...


 Lucas? Brother? Your Alive!


I'm Sorry...

I am Broken...

There is no bringing me back...

 HE broke the small child with silver wings and A heart of gold...




I am sorry...

 Sabre Pov-

 I woke up as I gasped for air. Another Nightmare... This Time just reliving some events of the Past. I shook as I got up and Looked outside of the window. The sun was barely raising now. Shaking my Head and Sighing I calmed down before walking down stairs to Get Breakfast.

 Once I got down stairs I stared at what Time was wearing. He looked slightly Annoyed as I felt like Laughing. It seemed as If Hypno Had some help with Dyeing Someone's clothes a bright pink.

 "... Don't Laugh. All of my clothes were dyed." He stated as I burst out Laughing.

 "HA! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT HE WOULD GET SOMEONE TO  HELP HIM!" I managed to say while I Laughed.

 "Let me guess... Hypno?" Time asked as I nodded.

 "He's done this Before with me but I was Asleep so he had to have gotten someone to help him. I have a feeling That you weren't his Only target though." I commented as He sighed.

 "We should check on the Leaders then."

 "... I really hope he didn't dye the Yellow Leader's Clothes but Knowing him he dislikes Him and will do it anyway."

 "Let's Hope The Yellow leader isn't to upset then." Time said as We started towards the Citadel After I ate.

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