Quirk Test

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Uraraka sat on one of the seats in the ramen stall, waiting for her new friend to show up. They decided to come to the stall to celebrate their acceptance to UA.

She hears a panting sound and turns to see a certain green haired boy.

Uraraka, waves: "Izuku! Hi there!"

Izuku, stops and pants: "Sorry were late...villain attack...train station was closed...we had to run all the way here."

Uraraka, giggles: "That's really bad luck for you guys."

Izuku, sat down and sighs: "Yeah, really is." Starts ordering three bowls of ramen

Uraraka, looks confuse: "Are we waiting for someone else?" Then she remembers "Oh right, your partner is eating as well?"

The Symbiote pops out and began devouring the ramen. It didn't have serotonin but it still taste good.

Izuku, slurps down ramen: "So, you got third place Uraraka?"

Uraraka: nods "Yeah, it was a big surprise. I didn't expect to go that far, I mean, third place?! I was lucky there were rescue points or I won't be able to pass."

The symbiote stopped slurping on the ramen and looks at her. 

Symbiote: "You humans worry too much. Back in my ancestor's days people didn't need licenses to be heroes. They just went around saving people for free and stuff, and they were much more effective than some of nowaday heroes."

Uraraka, sighs and continues eating: "That sounds nice, except for the free part."

She said the last part of her sentence quietly as Izuku and his symbiote look at her.

Izuku: "Uraraka, why do you want to be a hero?"

Symbiote: "Yeah, what he said."

She looks embarrassed and clasp her face in her hands to hide the blush

Uraraka: "I'll tell but don't judge me until you hear everything, all right?"

Both of them nodded.

Uraraka: "I...want to be a hero for the money."

Izuku and the Symbiote nearly choke on their ramen. Someone like Uraraka being a hero for the money? They only knew her for a week but that doesn't seem like her.

Uraraka: "I know it seems selfish but what I want to use to the money for is too support my parents. They own a construction company and business isn't doing well. So I want to become a hero to ease my parents burden."

There was a sniffing noise and Uraraka turns to see the symbiote crying green goo and Izuku handing it a tissue.

Symbiote, 😭: "That is so sad!"

Izuku, calms his partner down: "What we mean is that it's a great inspiration. Helping your parents is a great goal!"

Uraraka, smiles: "Thanks."

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