Chapter 6

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Sabre Pov-

 "Sabre you will Stay." Hypno stated as I groaned. I had just heard that The Professor would be visiting and I had tried escaping about five times already. I wasn't prepared to see him yet.

 "Fine. Can you promise not to tell him about the Chirping though?" I begged the Red steve as he sighed.

 "Fine. Only if you stay though. You need to stay put and Rest."

 "I know that! I just really don't want to be a lab rat today!"

 "Rude of you to assume I'd do that to you when your injured." The professor said from the door way as I Froze. "Also, What's this about Chirping?" He asked as he went and Sat down on a Chair that was near the bed I was in.

 "Nothing that you need to worry about!" I Responded before Hypno could Say anything.

 "hmm... Alright. How are your injuries holding up? I heard from Light that you were both hurt."

 "Getting better. I broke my Leg."

 "Yes you did Moron. You do realize that you took the Brute of the Force right?" Hypno said annoyed as I rolled my eyes.

 "Sorry, Force of habit." I stated as He recoiled.

"What kind of habit makes you take the Brute force of whatever's in a rift?" he asked confused and Surprised.

 "One that is made by Trauma." I stated as I shivered, remembering The way My sister was Shattered.

 "What's A rift?" The Professor asked as I perked up. I could teach him something!

"A Rift is Basically a Really unstable Portal." Hypno looked like he wanted to leave as I started explaining.  "When Someone Goes through one They can get Injured, Go Insane, Die, And Get they're Soul Split Causing a Permanent Death If They aren't Put back together Within a Month." The Professor listened like a hawk " They can Pretty Much Go Anywhere at anytime. Recently I found out for a Fact They can Send you into the Future or Past. Normally They are Black, White Or Purple. White One are Usually The safest as they Almost Never Hurt you, Purple Is up Next as They only cause Minor Wounds. Black ones Are the most Dangerous as They Usually Split your Soul, It hurts like hell, and then there's Yellow Or Time Rifts! They are also dangerous as They did what happened to me! I've seen other Colors as Well like a green and Black one but that was once."

 "You done yet?" Hypno said as I glared at him.

 "Yes. Yes I am now Hypno. I just get excited when I can explain something without being treated like a Child." I informed him as He rolled his Eye.

 "Don't care."

 "Can you tell me more Sabre?" The professor asked as I started to explain more About Rifts and Hypno Ran away. Oh well, At least the Professor listened!

 (Sorry about not Updating this for A Month. I kinda forgot it existed as I was busy with my other books.)

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