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(First Person) Crosshair

It was like slow motion when the shots fired. As they burned into her skin, causing her to go into shock. Her body hitting the floor felt as if a bomb went off. To say I was scared was an understatement for what I felt, seeing her there lying there motionless. Asta threw the mirrors and just like that... she gets shot. I managed to get her cover but, that did little to help her. I removed her mask to see the pained expression on her face, taking the breath right outta me. I touched her forehead with the back of my hand to feel nothing but sweat and a high temperature. She was burning up. I placed my shaky hands on one of her bleeding wounds, putting as much pressure as I could to try and stop the bleeding. My hands have never shook so much. "Come on Asta! Keep your eyes open, stay with me" I encouraged while tapping her cheek. "HUNTER! GO GET TECH NOW!" I shouted over my shoulder. I took one of my gloves off and wrapped it tight around one of the wounds on her arm. She groaned at my action and clenched her teeth. It pained me to see her like this.

I used my other glove and tied it around her bicep and started putting pressure on her thigh. "Crosshair! We need to move her now! We are being over run!" Hunter shouted over the blaster fire. I growled in frustration then picked her up bridal style and brought her into the room with the Captain. Hunter laid down cover fire as he slowly backed up in the direction of the lab door. I gently set her down against one of the consoles and motioned Tech over. He crouched down next to her and grabbed a roll of gauze from a pouch on his belt. He shook a small can of bacta then sprayed it on her wounded leg. "I can take it from here. Just keep the droids out of here" Tech said as he started wrapping one of the wounds on her thigh. When he said this, Wrecker smashed a droid into the lab while continuing to fire more rounds.

I turned my gaze away from Asta then picked up my rifle to start shooting the incoming droids. They were advancing too quickly. We backed up into the lab for the doors to close in front of us. I then quickly smashed the door control. "It's gonna get more difficult to get out of here. There are several squads of droids closing in" Hunter relayed. Great, just peachy. I looked back at the doors to see them start to open back up. I pushed on one side of the door while Hunter did the same. They were trying to force the door open. One of the droids head peaked through the small hole they have made, trying to squeeze their way in. I pushed harder on the door just for Wrecker to grab its head, ripping it from its circuits. Wrecker tossed the head behind him then helped us close the door. To make sure it stayed close, Hunter tossed me a sealing torch and started melting the door in place. I followed his lead starting from the top and working my way down. The metal doors fused together, turning into a bright yellow and orange color.

I turned off the torch to pull my scope down over my left eye. The visor in my helmet turned navy blue, making all the droids I saw red. There was a whole lot of it. "Enemy approaching. Droids -- lots of 'em" I warned then flipped the scope back up. "How long do you think you can hold them off?" The Jedi asked. Hunter looked at him replying, "How long do you need?" I looked in the direction of the General to see Tech, along with the help of Brianna, still trying to disconnect Echo from the system. "Tech, how much longer?" The General asked urgently. Tech shook his head. "Not yet, I need more time". Dank farrik! I placed my rifle down and looked back at Astrids unconscious form. She was breathing steadily but, she lost a lot of blood. An aching feeling started to seep into my chest the more I looked at her injured form. I can't loose her. Turning back around to face Hunter, I saw the freshly sealed door beginning to be cut open. Hunter quickly took notice and immediately backed up, closing the second door.

I pulled out the torch again and started merging the metal from the top downwards. "I've got it. We can unplug him now" I heard Tech say from behind. I was still sealing up the door when I heard the sound of tubes being pulled, with the soft sound of steam. It was silent for a moment till the sound of someone's voice caught my attention. It sounded exhausted, raspy you could say. "There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems right there" the raspy voice said. I turned my head around to see a reg covered in mechanical parts. He then pointed upwards to this said vent on the ceiling. I quickly finished sealing off the door but, the enemy already started cutting it open. Come on. "They've breached the front door. It won't be long before they're through the second" said Hunter while aiming his blaster at the door. I put away my rifle and gently picked up Astrid. She was cold, too cold. I looked upwards at the open vent and sighed. "Great. Now how do we get up there?" Wrecker chuckled then said, "I can help with that". He pushed Hunter forwards then picked him up by his back. "Wait?! Wrecker, what are you-" Hunter was cut off by being tossed up into the vent. "A heads-up would've been nice!" Hunter shouted. But then it wouldn't have been this funny.

My Savior (A Bad Batch Love Story:Crosshair)Where stories live. Discover now