False Alarm (TYSM for views!!)

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Dear readers,

I need to extend my sincere thanks for the 100+ views. It's thrilling to see the count nearing 200 views! 🎉🎉

Writing this novel, I set my expectations for views and likes at a modest level. This wasn't due to a lack of ambition but because the novel's genre, theme, and plot stray from the mainstream.

My modest hope was for the story to garner, on average, at least 100 views per chapter. Therefore, I am immensely grateful to everyone who has supported it so far. As for the drop from 44 views on chapter 1 to 22 by chapter 2, I suppose that's just the nature of things sometimes. :/

I remember being so ecstatic one my first reader and my tenth reader to my twentieth reader. I might consider translating this story to Spanish for my friends that speak the language but that's a future goal that i might work on only after I've completed the novel. 

Heart to heart🙂

Yours sincerely, Author.

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