Day 2! (Pancakes)

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"No don't make me do this" I let out a silent sob."You have to" My best friend urges me. Her fiery blue eyes stay trained on mine. 

"No, no p-please. We don't have to end it like this." Yes, there has to be a way. "You have to let me go" I take a shuddering breath at her words. I can't let her go."I love you, I love you so much Darlene" I tuck my chin into my collarbone, taking a moment to breathe.

"Do it, right now. Show me how far you're willing to go to survive" Her words fire me up, the intensity shivering me to the core. The city is far off, and we are parked at a corner of the street, I look around the scattered SUV, the burn, the pain, the open bag of knives, the trashed cupboards and the red liquid pooling at the counter.

All point to Zylith, the sun grazes my skin and I immediately warm up. I will survive.I ready my hand, one move to end Zylith, to strike her down, forever gone as she turns. I didn't want to have this I didn't but I had to, to live. To survive.

"Six more seconds BLISS" Her winces travel into my ears, her voice croaking and scratchy. Her eyes turn dark. Deep blue, her chest heaves up and down and the sun's graze is too hot, I jolt my other hand away. Here goes.

Up and down. I quickly clench my eyes shut. What have I done? Did it work? When I open my eyes I see a kaleidoscope, light particles float in my visions, moving and vanishing into the carpeted rugs that coat the walls and the headboard. I perceive a light smell of chocolate, flour and eggs.

"Ugh" I hear a grunt and I look down to the table of chess. I have successfully won the round for once in my life. I let out a quick sigh of relief to clear the lodge in my chest, for the first time in my life, I had won a round of chess; against Zylith at that!

The queen and the rook have captured the black king and his only nearby pawn weeps in agony at failing to be of service. What could it have done? If not to only promote itself to a queen. The king weeps the lose of his underlings and his love; the queen, slain in battle but he had his head caught in a cloud of pride. He advances until he only had 3 pawns left, 2 of the them almost nearing the other side to receive their promotion but at that moment, the King is captured and his head is to fit the guillotine.

"I knew you could do it, I guess it's time to step down from this one" She offers me a bittersweet smile barely reaching past the corners of her nose as usual but this one feels different. I feel different. Hungry.

Hungry from the sizzling pancakes on the stove. Zylith has wrecked the kitchen and has somehow managed to mess up the Pancakes. How was that even possible?I nod my head, acknowledging this big step, to not only my first win of chess but to also drive the car. I settle into the cushiony seats of the SUV for the second time but I'm not in a hurry. Zylith clears our table of chess and leaves to continue flipping the pan of pancakes she has on the stove.

I reach back to adjust the seat and when I feel comfortable, I push the keys in and start the vehicle. It creaks forward, the engine having a jumpstart. I smile to myself as I let my fingers grip the console.

"How do I drive this thing?" I nibble on my lips This felt so different from the levitation cars that were self-driven or used a console as much."You press the acceleration on your left to move forward, press the other one on your right to stop" She points at the two pad-like metal sticks under the car. "Easy" She shrugs and heads back into the kitchen. I gently push the accelerator and the car literally jumps forward. This was so different from driving out of a factory of zombies. I actually had to think this one through.

"Woah, slow down buddy" I shrug my shoulders and try again. It moves at a snail's pace but when I try steering to the left it halts. "What happened?" I blink in confusion as I force the console to move to the left, but the console jerks me back to the right. 

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