Chapter 8

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This chapter is probably going to be long/longer than the others because shit's going to go dowwwn

Anyways, enjoy :)

Harry's POV

I woke up at around 2 pm and realized I had nothing to do. Except for the fact Louis might come over today. Hopefully he will. I still had about 3 hours until Louis was supposed to come over, so I decided I was going to clean, maybe get some lunch, and then go get some paint so I could paint my room.

I had finished cleaning and just got back from eating at some random burger joint and grabbed my paint when someone knocked on my door. It was sharp and it made me jump out of my seat. I made my way over to the door and opened it and saw Nick standing there.

"Hi, Harry. Mind if I come in? I'm kind of lonely." I moved to the side so he could walk and closed the door gently. Once I locked the door, I made my way over to the black leather couch on the opposite side of Nick and sat.

"I'm having someone coming over any minute now... Don't know how long you can stay." My head was low and my long hair covered my face as I pretended to be very interested in my blue ring on my middle finger. I twisted it from left and right, took it off, then put it back on. Eventually, my finger had gotten too swollen from the movements so I was stuck with playing with my fingers.

"That's alright, H. This won't take long." I moved my head up and looked at Nick who was out of his chair and making his way over towards me.

"What are you doing? I think you should go." Nick's sick grin turned into a frown and stared at me. This look he was giving me could literally kill a kitten.

"I'm not fucking leaving until I do this!" I flinched back and crossed my legs.

"Nick, leave. I don't know what you're trying to do, but you better leave." My legs felt like jelly when I stood up, they were shaking and so were my hands. "We both know that I'm a teddy bear, but if you lay a finger on me, I'll turn into a bear that has rabies." Stupid, Harry. That wasn't smooth at all.

"What's the fun of just hurting you though? I'd have to get something more out of it. Remember last time this happened, Harry? You were so weak, you even tried to kill yourself last time. I wish you would've died. But, no, that faggot Lia-"

"Nick." My hands are shaking violently now, but it wasn't from worry this time. I was practically growling because of how pissed I was. "You do realize you're a 'faggot' also, right?" I took a few steps towards him before I was knocked onto the ground with hands around my neck.

"No. I'm. Not!" I struggled to breath and my hands flew up to Nick as I tried to punch him or just tried to shove him off of me. His grip wasn't extremely tight so I could still get in a few breaths here or there,

"Nick! Get off of-" knocking.

"Harry? Are you home? Is that you?" Louis.

"Louis!" I wheezed, Nick's hands kept getting tighter and tighter. "Under..." I wasn't able to say anything else as Nick was finally winning. I slipped into the darkness and forgot everything that was going on. It actually felt kind of nice.

Louis' POV

"Harry? Under what?" I was starting to panic as my breathing increased and i frantically searched everywhere. There was no door mat, but there was a plant so I looked around in the dirt, not even caring if it ended up underneath my fingernails. I finally reached the key and ran to the door. It took me about three tries until I could successfully get the key in.

"What the fuck! Harry?" I ran over to Harry's side and observed him. He was pale and his heart beat was extremely slow. I began to panic eve more when I looked in the corner of the room and saw a stranger standing there. He was looking at Harry with a huge smirk on his face. I got up, anger corsing through my veins and puched the guy straight in the face. I must've hit him really hard because he was then passed out. One point: Tomlinson.

I rushed back over to Harry as I scrambled for my phone and dialed 9-9-9

"9-9-9, what's your emergency?"

"My friend, Harry, someone, he, they. Choked-dead-i dont know" I couldn't even form a sentence that made sense.

"Address? We'll get someone there." I gave her the address while she told me to breath and it'll be okay. "I need you to give him CPR while we wait for someone to get there."

"Wait, what? I don't know how to give CPR. Never had to do this." I began shaking Harry, telling him to get up, but there was no response.

"I'll lead you through it." I mumbled an okay and she began speaking again. "Put your hand in front of his nose, see if he's breathing first."

"Okay, yeah, he-Harry's breathing."

"Sir, I'll need you to open his mouth, plug his nose, take a deep breath, and then breathe into his mouth. Do that three times and tell me if theres any reaction." I did as she said and there was still no response

"He's-There's no response!"

"Okay, check his pulse, help will be there in about 10 minutes. I'm going to count to ten as you check his pulse, tell me how many times his heart beats."

"Okay. I'm taking his pulse."

"Start counting now, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Now, what was it?"

"I-it was 5. Is that bad?" I think that's bad.

"Do CPR again, don't stop until help gets there. Good luck, goodbye." So I continue to do just that until I heard a whole bunch of different sirens coming closer and closer until there was a knock on the door. I didn't hesitate to run to the door as a gurney and five men entered Harry's flat.

"Sir, you've done a good job, we'll take it from here." They tried to pull me away from Harry's side but I wouldn't budge. Why would I leave his side, he has no one he knows. I mean, he barely knows me but at least he knows my name.

"I'm not going to leave him. He doesn't know you! I'm his friend."

"Unless you're family, you can't ride in the ambulance, sorry." The four other men were by Harry and lifted him onto the gurney and began taking him away.

"He doesn't have any family right now! I'm all he has at the moment. I don't want him to wake up with no one beside him. Please." I was begging now and I didn't care. I just wanted to make sure I was there when he woke up.

The guy looked to his co-workers and they all nodded, signifying that I was able to go. Just as I was exiting the flat, three men came in and grabbed Nick. That little bitch doesn't deserve help.

At the hospital

When we arrived at the hospital, they had to make me sit in the waiting room so they could run some tests, make sure he was healthy, and of course alive.

It felt like I was waiting for eternity before a doctor came out. "Mr.Tomlinson?"

"Yes! That's me! Can I see Harry?" I was practically already starting to run towards his room when the doctor, Dr.Torro, stopped me.

"I have some bad news, unfortunately. You can't go see him because-"

"Dr.Torro, we need you in room 317! Patient isn't doing well." His pager went off and he began running down the hall, leaving me with a shit load of worry and no answers.

Damn, okay that took me all day to write because I had a lot of stuff to do and I kept getting writers block in the middle of my sentences. Did you see my little reference there at the very end ;) I love that fic so much.

Also, if you want some other recommendations for fics, my top two favorites rn are Sin and Painless (both ls and completed) they both made me cry so hard but it's also so cute, I can't.

Anyways, I've gotta go to sleep now because it's 4:40 am and I have to go to the mall tomorrow, but I'll try to write once I get home or something :) love you all xx

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