Chapter 7

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Warning: mention of self-harm

A/N: This chapter does not have a song with it since it is very short and nothing major happens really

Louis' POV

It was around 4:28 pm when I went to Harry's. Tomorrow I was going to surprise him again by showing up at his house so we could hang out. Although, I wouldn't mind doing other stuff... I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I don't like him like that.

I was standing outside of Harry's door with some cake while my black and white Black Sabbath shirt and black skinny jeans were drenched. I didn't know whether he'd be home or not, but I hope he was. I raised my fist and knocked on the door lightly. There was a shufling noise but no footsteps.

"Harry, it's me, Louis. I brought you cake!"

"Come in, just don't look when you do." I twisted the knob of the door while I put my head down, making it so I couldn't see him. I looked to the side where there was a bathroom and noticed red splattered across the sink. I started to panic as my heart beat picked up.

"Uh, Harry, what's that..." I pointed towards the sink and looked up at him. He was wearing a lavendar knitted sweater with black jeans. There was red seeping through the sweater though. I began walking towards him, eyes still on the arm of the sweater. "Harry.."

"Louis, please don't come any closer. That-that red stuff? It's nothing. Just some early preperation for Halloween, that's all."

"Bullshit, Harry. We both know what it actually is. How did you get blood everywhere?" He tilted his head back a bit as he blinked multiple times, I wanted to hug him, so I did. I walked forward and wrapped my arms around him. I could feel him fidgeting next to me, but he eventually relaxed. "Harry, why'd you do that to yourself? You need to go clean it off and then we can talk."

Harry cleaned up, changed into a button-up black and pink flamingo shirt, and put bandaids over the cuts. I knew he wasn't going to tell me that much, sense we just met, but I could still get his mind off of it. We talked about what our favorite movie was while we ate my cake and talked about what we liked and didn't like until it was already 8:52. Harry had fallen asleep and I would've stayed there with him, but I'll see him tomorrow. It'll be okay.

I made my way towards his door as I heard him say, "goodbye, Lou. I'll see you tomorrow." I love him calling me Lou. No one ever calls me that. I walked back over to him and gave him a big hug and whispered a goodbye to him before I left to go sleep at my own house.

I apologize for the short chapter, shit's going to get real in the next chapter though, this was just a filler so yeah, not too important. But, the sad news is that I won't be able to update tomorrow because I have my 5sos show in Seattle tomorrow so I'll try updating on Saturday.

Also! I'm going to be starting a new book called Phobias (it's larry also) and im so excited to write it! But I promised myself I wouldn't start writing it until this book is almost finished so I don't have to worry about two books at the same time. So, yeah, I love you all and I hope this chapter wasn't too bad.

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