Chapter III: Year I, Act I

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Diana Cavendish, one year ago, had proved that she was a true prodigy. As a first year student, she displayed her genetics and control over her magical powers. She was incredibly gifted. Even her friends Barbra and Hannah couldn't hold a candle to her magical prowess. So what was Diana's weakness? Well... "I still doubt that my future remains unseen." It was Oshua Grayson. During lunch, Oshu stated that he didn't believe Callistis when it came to foretelling his future. It was as though she was leaving him in the dark about his future, like she knew something that he didn't know. But what?

"I wouldn't press on the issue." Said Edwin. "If she said that your future remains unseen, then it remains unseen."

"We should focus on possibly creating a barrier that'll keep Cinder from entering this dimension." Said Miles, "I dunno what powers you got under your belt, Oshu, but they must be REALLY powerful to have a woman from another dimension try and take it from you."

"She's not taking a thing from me." Said Oshua, "Besides, I don't even know what hidden power she's talking about. Yeah, I got the power to move faster than the Flash, have the strength that could curb stomp Thragg the conqueror and I can fly with as much style as Superman, but I doubt ordinary gifts like that wouldn't be able to cause a world ending crisis."

"You can be surprised with how much damage one can cause with just a pinch of otherworldly resources." Said Edwin-

"Excuse me?" Said Diana, "Would you three care if my friends and I sat beside you?"

Edwin, Miles and Oshua looked at each other. "Sure." Edwin replied, "Don't worry, we don't bite."

Diana giggles as she sits close to Oshuawhile Barbra and Hannah sit beside Edwin and Miles. "Let's see if I can recall your names..." Said Diana, "Hm...You're Edwin Owens." She points at Edwin, "You're Miles Yasuke." She points at Miles, "And You're Oshua Grayson." She points at Oshua

"Yeah." Said Oshua, "But most people call me Oshu."

"Oshu?" Said Diana, "What a fine nickname."

"Thanks. Sucy thinks so too."

"How do you know Sucy Manbaravan?" Asked Hannah, "From our point of view, a girl like her would never be friends with guys like you."

"Well, that's when you're wrong." Said Edwin, "She is friends with us. But with Oshua? She acted as though she was his "Wife" rather than his friend."

"But why would Manbaravan waste her time on someone who deserves better?" Asked Diana, flipping her hair to the side. "A girl like her deserves someone who's like her. Oshu, from my understanding and point of view, should deserve a woman up his caliber."

"And lemme guess," Enter Sucy, "You think you're the one who's up Oshu's alley?"

"I believe that I am." Said Diana

"Well... You're not. Besides, unlike you, I'm not shallow or go after someone because of their looks. Oshu chose me like I chose him. Besides, we got THREE years worth of history together. You're lucky if you'll get a week's worth of history with someone like him."

"Really?" Diana gets up and faces Sucy, "If I didn't know any better Ms. Manbaravan, I'd assume that the last part of your statement was a threat."

"Could be, the unknown is known to be quite the bitch-"

"Okay, settle down." Said Miles, "Besides, Oshu is 15. You girls are almost adults."

"So?" Said Diana and Sucy

"So...Don't you two care about what Oshua has to say in all of this?" Asked Miles

"We already know what he wants." They said, "And it's me-NO-It's Me-STOP COPYING ME-YOU WEREN'T LIKE THIS A YEAR AGO!"

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