Chapter VI: Year I, Enter the Marvelous Shiny Chariot Du Nord

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Oshua was at the mercy of Raven. But then again, what mercy? "Refusal to fight for your survival will only end with you dead." Said Raven, "It's such a shame that a potential such as yours is wasted on someone who is young and feeble. Perhaps you were nothing more than a bearer of the potential I wish to extract from your body to give to Salem. But rest assured, your potential will be used to create a more stable environment for Salem."

"Is that an abridge phrase to tell me that she's going to use my powers to conquer her world and other worlds?" Said Oshua. "All of those innocent people..." He began digging deep within himself to pull out some sort of strength that can keep him alive until someone came to his rescue. "Gr..." He clenched his fist, "All of them...And Sucy..." The image of Sucy lying dead in her own blood caused Oshua to break Raven's hold on his neck. "I've had enough of you!" Gryason snaps, powering up, "Why is there always people like you!? Roaches that deserved to be squashed!? All you people do is cause misery to each other and the human beings that have nothing to do with your insecurities! But no more."

"Ah yes, the typical hero speech." Said Raven, rolling her eyes, "Do you know how many of those I've heard? Way too many for my liking. You think that I'm extracting your powers to display evil intentions and maybe you're right, but in my world, there are no happy endings. Suffering. Pain. Illusions. Those concepts are a part of my world. As they have been a part of my life. Salem can free me and others from these concepts, but she lacks the power to do so-"

"I forget the part where that's my problem." Oshua snarled, "You don't need my power to fix anything broken in your world. If your world is broken, it's because you allowed it to be. You would rather run and steal a hidden potential which has yet to be unlocked from a 15 year old Orphan than use the resources in your world to rebuild it and make it better. So spare me the whole BS speech. Like you...It holds no value."

"You know...Koturah told me the same thing...I held no value..." Raven snarled, "I guess it's a man's thing, where they can judge a woman by her value...As if...THEY NEVER HAD A PAST THEMSELVES!" The moment she tries to attack, a portal opens up and drags her back into her dimension.

"Huh?" Oshua was confused, "What just...What just happened?" He asked

"I happened." A female voice causes Oshua to turn around. A tall woman with long red hair and red eyes stood before the eyes of Oshua Grayson. "Hello there...Oshua Grayson."

"How do you know my name?" Said Oshua, "Who are you?"

"..." The woman bit her bottom lip, "I'm...I'm...I'm your mother."

Oshua was baffled. "What?" He asked, "You're my what?"

"I'm your mother." She said this to Oshua before her eyes welled with tears, "My name is Shiny Chariot Du Nord. I'm your mother. I gave you up to Opal's Orphanage, which is why you don't know anything about me."

"....Wait a minute..." Oshua started growling, "You're the reason...I suffered... So much...In that place?"

"Oshua, I didn't know-"

"You had to know." Said Oshua, "You had to! You couldn't be my mother...You couldn't be! As far as I know, my mother and father are dead!"

"That's not true-"

"You're not my mom!" Oshua shouts, "I appreciate what you did for me Ms. Chariot, but you're crossing some serious borders right now! Like I said, as far as I know, my mother and father are dead. They're dead."

"Oshu..." If there was one way to describe how Shiny Chariot was feeling...Heartache would be it. What was also crazy was that Ursula and Shiny Chariot were the same person. Ursula Callistis was once named The Shiny Chariot Du Nord. Before she became a teacher on the down low, Ursula used her magic to entertain and inspire people. It was around this moment in time that she met Owen Grayson, the father of Oshua Grayson. The two shared their darkest secrets and brightest joys and saw that they had a lot in common. Which was how they fell in love. Neither of them were expecting to become a family and have children, and that was due to Owen's past.

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