Chapter V: Year I, Act III

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"You've returned...Empty Handed..." Said Salem, "Why am I not surprised?"

"These young men aren't weak or incompetent. They have skill and because they know each other, it's likely that they trained each other to a point where skilled fighters like myself may have trouble with them." Said Raven

"There may be some merit to that," Salem rubs her chin. "Regardless, Oshua's power will be mine. No matter how skilled he is, he will never be able to evade my hunger for his power to be used by my body so this world can be built into a world of my image."

"If I can make a suggestion," Said Raven, "Allow me to bring my daughters for the third attempt of stealing Oshua's powers."

"How skilled are your daughters?" Asked Salem, "Of course I shouldn't be asking a bandit this, considering the fact you carry the powers of the Spring Maiden."

"Skilled enough to keep the other two busy in order for me to obtain from Oshuawhat you seek." Said Raven

"Very well." Said Salem, "I'll allow it. By the way, that was quite the show you put on while fighting against your son."

"Hmp," Raven smirks, "I'm not surprised. Regardless, he's still a bastard in my eyes. A mistake. Nothing more than a mere abomination made by two people who will never love him. Nor care about him. The torture that he must be going through right now..." She licks her lips, "It must be highly edible."

"I never considered you as the type who adores torturing her children." Said Salem

"Not my daughters." Said Raven, "Just HIM...Because of Who He IS...And What He Will Become..."


When the students of all years returned to Luna Nova, Oshua was informed by Edwin and Miles that they got jumped by Cinder Fall and a woman called Raven Branwen. Oshua knew that Edwin and Miles could take care of themselves, which was why he didn't intervene when he possibly could have. However...The seed implanted by Raven Branwen as far as Miles was concerned was slowly starting to take root. "Miles, you don't believe that woman could be your biological mother, do you?" He asked, "Mothers don't try to kill their kids."

"That we know of." Said Miles, "Remember: we were living in an Orphanage, we have no idea what the outside world is like. We barely knew anything about magic, witches or Wizards. Which, by the way, you never told us about what happened with the Wizards, Sucy."

"I dunno what happened to them." Sucy shrugged, "Other than what I was told by my parents. And what they got was from their parents before them. So...Yeah. Besides it shouldn't be a big deal, you boys are adapting quite nicely to your new surroundings."

"That's not the point, Sucy," Said Miles, "The point is you can't have Witches without Wizards. There's no way in H-E-Double L-that Witches just fell from the sky or something like that. Magical abilities just don't appear out of nowhere like that. You have to be born with that kind of power. Which sounds like a nice project for-"

"Magical history is for 3rd and 4th year students only." Said Oshua

"Well...Shit." Said Miles

"Oshu," Sucy called, "Next year I'll be a third year student." She said, "I'll see if I can do one more year so when you're done with Luna Nova, you and I can begin our travels around the world together."

"Huh?" Asked Miles and Edwin

"Yeah." Said Sucy, "After we graduate, Oshu and I are going to travel the world together. Just him and me."

"And you just up and agreed with this?" Miles asked Oshua

"Yes." Said Oshua, "Don't worry Miles, we'll have plenty of time to hang out and do guy stuff before I travel with Sucy."

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