21: chris and alison's hangout

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as of this moment in time chris and alison were in the kitchen in a comfortable silence. they haven't really talked sense both parties figured out their feelings for each other. which was fine. the silence was fine.

"where did nick and matt go?" chris asked breaking the silence

thank fucking god.

"oh they went to a meeting but they didn't wanna wake you, said that you didn't have to go" alison answered

"oh huh, I didn't think that we had a meeting today, any of us" chris thought out loud.

"do you um...maybe i don't know what to do something today? I mean I did promise a hang out with you" alison asked scratching the back of her neck.

"yeah sure maybe we could go to the strip mall, we could go have lunch and then we could go from there?" chris suggested

alison loved the idea.

"of course. just let me get ready first" alison voiced before heading back downstairs to chris's room

she quickly brushed her teeth, before doing her skincare and a little bit of makeup, wanting to look the best for chris. once done, she walked over to her suit case grabbing a nice outfit she thought would be good for their hangout and the warm LA weather quickly putting it on as well as a bit of perfume.

alison walked up the stairs moments later seeing chris in the kitchen and ready as well.

"I grabbed some clothes and such when you were in my bathroom and changed up here" chris answered as if expecting a question from alison.

"okay great, are we ready to go then?" alison asked swaying on her feet, a nervous tendency she had. she just didn't know why she was nervous.

"yeah, the problem is I don't know how to drive and even if I did matt has the car" chris voiced forgetting about that problem before.

alison frowned. they would have to take an uber

"okay, we can just uber" alison smiled softly

"im so sorry, this is terrible" chris apologized

"no, its okay" alison reassured

chris quickly ordered an uber so they didn't have to wait longer than they already had to.

the uber came not long after. alison had no idea where they were going to go cause chris told her it was a surprise and she would have to wait.

around 20 minutes later their uber parked and the two stepped out. while chris payed the guy alison looked over at where they were at. it was what looked like a lesser known cafe' which alison loved. she recalls telling chris that she loved supporting small businesses because most of the time they're much better than the other stuff. alison smiled at the fact that he remembered. once chris was done the two made their way inside.

walking in alison could feel the breeze of the air conditioning which was a nice break from the heat outside. the cafe' was not too big but just the right size for enough people. the place felt very warm and like home which alison loved. the two ordered what they wanted not long after, they both got the sandwiches cause chris told her that they were super good.

"where did you find this place?" alison asked sipping on her water which she got prior to where they were sitting

"me, matt, and nick, were walking one day and we just kind of stumbled upon it. nick loves little cafe's like this so it caught his attention. I knew when I walked in I had to take you here when you came to LA" chris answered with a grin.

he immediately thought of alison the first time the three brothers came into the cafe'.

"I love it its really cute! thank you for thinking of me" alison smiled hiding her face a bit.

she hated that she was a bit nervous.

the two got their sandwiches not long after, and chris was right the sandwiches were really amazing. the two talked a for a while even after they had finished their food, they were just happy to enjoy each others company.

when the check came around chris immediately grabbed it before alison had the chance to. there was no way he was going to let his girl pay for this meal. alison smiled at the fact that chris was so easily fine with paying for their food.

"so I already payed for an uber and I was thinking that maybe we could get some ice cream and take a little walk into the park maybe?" chris asked nervously

alison just nodded hugging the boy, which he immediately returned.

"I would love to chris, you really know how to plan a friend hangout don't you" alison giggled while chris felt a pang in his chest when she said friend.

is that what she thought they were? just friends?

alison also hated saying that, she wanted to be more than friends and her saying that physically and emotionally hurt her. she however didn't notice the way chris's face dropped after mentioning this as a friend hangout.

the uber came not long after and the two were walking into the ice cream shop before they knew it.

"I picked this ice cream place cause its right next to this really beautiful park and I thought it was perfect" chris voiced with excitement laced through the words as he spoke

alison loved how excited he got over some of the smallest things. it warmed her heart knowing that he was so happy to hangout with her.

"I love it" alison smiled heart fluttering at the small gesture.

when they got to the counter they told the guy their orders. chris got vanilla while alison got chocolate.

"there is no way we just got the most boring flavors in the whole shop" chris laughed

"believe it cause we did" alison joked back

the guy brought over their ice cream a few minutes later but not before giving alison a wink which did not go unnoticed by chris, who stepped in front of the brunette girl leading her out the door.


the rest of the hangout next chapter

this is kinda shit and it kinda took forever to write so sorry about that

love y'all

love y'all

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