Espresso Depresso

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- Angst
- Hurt/Comfort
- Fluff ending 🤗

Espresso's mind has been getting the best of him. It always has. The need to be the best has always been the mindset since childhood. The need to be the best, and make something worthy of your time spend alive. Nothing else mattered.

With magic as powerful and rare like coffee magic, it was hard to perfect. Impossible for some mage's who came before Espresso. But the need to be the best, it was intoxicating. Captivating his whole mind and mindset. On better days of the week, it doesn't get to bother him as much as others, since his lack of sleep gets the better version of his mind.

But other days, it's harder for him to focus. These horrible images and self reflection thoughts pop up into his head that he tries uselessly to shake away. Sometimes it just gets the better of him.

He's been living in a house with Madeleine for almost a year now. Madeleine knows most things about Espresso. His horrible sleep schedule, his coffee obsession, and even the small details about him. But he didn't know about this part of him, and Espresso wouldn't dare to show Madeleine this part of him.

Vulnerability is the enemy. Dare to show Madeleine his vulnerability was like showing the world it. Weak. A word that could make Espresso gag if he was ever compared to it.

Espresso bit the back of his pen, whilst the other hand rand through his hair. He stared at the coffee reverse spell recipe as he tried to figure out what is it that he was doing wrong? He's tried almost everything, but nothing seemed to work in his favor.

He's been working on this particular recipe for almost a week now. Only 5 other people in the world got it work, but unfortunately they've all passed. If they'd haven't, Espresso would probably ask them what is it he was doing wrong.

Espresso slammed the pen on his desk, before getting out of his seat and went to his kitchen to take a refresher to grab a glass of water. Madeleine sat on a barstool by the counter as he smiled as he saw Espresso entered the room.
"Hey Espresso! May I say it's been a while since i've saw you come out that room?" He chucked but his smiled quickly faded as he notice Espresso's cold expression.

"Ah.. My apologies if I sounded rude. Are you okay?" Espresso sighed before grabbing a cup out the cabinet to fill with water. "Perfectly fine." He said face stone cold. Madeleine stared at the mage, unable to read his cold expression. "Espresso I'm worried about you lately."

"Well don't be." His hands squeezed the cup tightly as the water filled the cup. Madeleine took eye of this. "Please talk to me. I'm always here for you." "I have nothing to discuss." He snapped back almost in an instant.

His words hit like the water slowly hitting the bottom of the cup, filling up. Once it reached the top he'd stopped. He placed the jug of water down and slowly took steps back into his office. Before he could even make it to the door of his office, he felt hands wrapped around his stomach.

The cup of water dropped to the floor, water splashing on his feet, the sound of glass shattering, but he'd dare to move an inch. Madeleine hugged his waist from behind whilst his head was buried in Espresso's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He heard in a whisper by his ear. Espresso felt his body tremble. "I'm sorry Espresso, I'm meant to worry about you." Espresso froze as he felt the water on the floor puddle as glass shards did the same. His body trembled and his breath shaky. His mind went numb and all those thoughts seem to vanish the second he felt Madeleine's grasp.

Espresso twisted his body around, facing Madeleine directly, he hugged him. Arms wrapping around his neck as he instantly buried his head in Madeleine's shoulder. A small smile appeared on Madeleine's face as he wrapped his hands on Espresso's waist, pulling him in tightly.

The smell of the knight's charming vanilla scent was so warm and welcoming, it made Espresso feel all gooey inside and warmed him from his deprive state.  Madeleine every second ran fingers through Espresso's hair, whispering the words in his ears, "It's okay," or "I'm here," while he occasionally kissed his forehead from time to time.

Shaky breaths and sighs are what came from Espresso, but they started to cool the more he stayed in Madeleine's arms. He's only had someone hug him once or twice throughout his life, so it felt like a refresher, or maybe a guilty pleasure because of how much he was enjoying this. Enjoying Madeleine.

Once Espresso's breathing calmed down, he pulled away and avoided eye contact with the knight as his face was flushed. "Are you feeling better?" Madeleine asked with a warming smile that toyed with Espresso's heart.

"Yes.." Espresso nodded. "Thank you Madelle." He said finally looking up at him. He gave another warm smile in return, with small pink blush that filled his cheeks. "Of course. Do you need anything else?"

Espresso really was fine now and didn't need anything more from Madeleine, but oh how he missed the warmth of his touch already. He would never ask him though without it being weird or awkward and it just wasn't in Espresso's nature.

"I'm fine thank you." Espresso reassured him, but before Espresso could walk back into his study, Madeleine stopped him. "Wait!" Espresso turned around and titled his head. Madeleine's face heated up as he played with his hair and looked down at the floor.

"Do you... want to watch a movie?" He said avoiding any eye contact with him. Damn. It's like Madeleine could read Espresso's mind. "Sure. I have a while to spare." Small bits of blush filled back on Espresso as Madeleines head jolted up and he let out a huge smile.

"Great! I have an amazing movie in mind you'll love." He smiled as they walked over to the couch, cuddled and watch tinkerbell. (Although Espresso didn't enjoy it Madeleine loved it).

Small Bonus!!!

"Madelle, out of all movies you chose this one?" Espresso said look up at Madeleine who pouted at the sudden remark. "Stop it! I think Tinkerbell is divine." He smiled and boasted.
Espresso rolled his eyes and he cuddled into Madeleine chest. "Is it almost over?" Espresso sighed. "It just started!!!" Madeleine yelled.

-1096 Words-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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