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In a Kingdom known as bahmuth, there lives a prince known as Newell Vanart who is also a super human.

In the same kingdom a girl known as Anna lives and she is from a humble background,but after lot of hardwork she became a super human at the age of 20.

After becoming super human,she was recruited into army and there she met young prince Newell.

After fighting lots life and death battles together,the trust between Newell and anna blossoms into love.

After couple of years prince Newell wanted to marry Anna,but his father in other words king of bahmuth kingdom didn't agree to this marriage because of Anna's humble background.

The prince was ready to renounce his title as crown Prince,as well as this kingdom for Anna.

But king threatened Newell saying that if you do that then I may not be able kill you or that commoner but I'll make sure that everyone who are closed to that commoner girl will be perished.

After knowing the father of the person she loved did all of that she will never agree to marry you.

After hearing all that, prince could not contain his rage and attacked the king by saying I'll defeat you and become the king .Then I'll marry my anna Without any problems.

But the king was also a super human and was stronger than prince,so he beat the crap out of the prince and locked him in a highly secure prison made for super humans.

After that, king often comes to the prince and try to convince him to forget about Anna and marry another girl named Vermilia who hails from most well-known family of this kingdom.

But prince was stubborn and refused hear anything and he did not even want eat either.

After couple of months the prince became so thin that his bones can be clearly seen through his skin and he is clearly on the verge of death.

During these couple of months Anna try meet prince but permission was never given to her and also she was sent to farthest boundary to guard that boundary.

At this time the king was also in turmoil, because he could not see his only son to suffering let alone death.

But he had no choice because of internal struggle, monster invasion and enemy country invasion.

At that point if he let his son marry a commoner girl then some of the conspiring nobles will take this chance to weaken the king and usurp the throne.

So, after much contemplating the king went to the prince and says "son I could not see you in this miserable state anymore so finally I came to a conclusion".

"You must marry Vermilia" says the king watching the reaction of prince.

After hearing those words prince as usual didn't care and goes to his bed and lays on it and closes his eyes to sleep.

The king says" I knew you would react like that,but there is no other choise than to take support from that Vermilia's family to avoid the destruction of our kingdom".

But I also know that you care more about Anna than our kingdom.But think about calmly if our kingdom gets destroyed then your Anna will also be get killed.

So trust me just this once and marry Vermilia and deal with all the problems inside and outside the kingdom using Vermilia's support,it may take couple of years but once the kingdom is stronger again you can marry anna.

After hearing all that,at first the prince didn't want to go along with this plan but he knows all too well the things his father said were true.

So not having any choice,he agreed but before marriage prince went Anna and told her about the plan and he thought she would be angry at him for marrying another woman.

But Anna was crying because she didn't know the prince has gone through this much suffering for her.

After that she accepted to be Newell's second wife and they proceed with plan.

After three years all the problems were solved and Nowell becomes the king bahmuth after his father's death.

The first thing he did after becoming the king was to marry anna..At that time there was opposition from Vermilia's family.

But he didn't give crap about that, after that Newell was living his life that he dreamt of with Anna.But he never neglected Vermilia.

Like that 12 years passed, Vermilia has given birth to two sons.

First prince name is Hazel vanart and he is at 14 and the second prince name is Edgar vanart and he is at 12.

Anna gave birth to a boy named victor vanart who is also the main lead(main character) of this story and he is at the age of 10.

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