2.Ignition to become stronger

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For official business anna needed to go to the foreign Kingdom,and this information was leaked to the little victor by his brother Edgar.

After knowing that,he went to anna and pleaded with her to take him along..After pleading and throwing tantrum for 30 minutes,finally anna accepted victor to tag along.

After traveling for 3 days they finally entered into the kingdom of Varoth, after some more travelling Anna's group reached the outskirts of capital of Varoth kingdom.

Anna's group were clearly exhausted so they wanted to take some rest before entering the capital.

It was evening around 5, so the soldiers sit on the grass and chat with thier peers,at the same time in a camp Anna was asking victor about performance in school.

Victor proudly with smug smile says "mother you don't need to worry about my school life because I am good at everything I do that's why my classmates call me alpha victor"

After hearing that anna asks "I know you're good at swordsmanship but what about studies"

"I already told you mother I am good at everything thing,to be honest I like studying new books more than doing swordsmanship and I don't know why my classmates don't like reading books"

After hearing that, anna wanted to ask more about his book reading hobby but suddenly a soldier named Carter comes into the tent.

And he says madem there is problem,our scout soldiers team  has found unusual movement in the forest, after checking those movements in the forest,I think they are assassins and their target is our group.

Anna says "ok I'll deal with them "

Carter says "madem you don't need to dirty your hands with those lowly assassins, we'll take care of them"

But before he says anything,Anna was already out side and running towards assassins at a speed of 200kmph.

Before going outside anna says to Carter"you know what to do"

Carter says"I'll guard prince victor with my life"

After that,anna goes into forest and confirming they really aiming for she killed each and every one of them.

After killing them she has bad feeling because those assassins were far too weak,so she moves towards the camp with much faster speed.

In just a minute,she reached the camp,but after seeing what happened there she was shocked because their group was annihilated.

There are only two persons who are standing,a young 10 year old boy covered with blood of the assassins even afraid to move and 17 years old Carter have protected that 10 year old victor and killed all the second team of assassins that are aiming to capture victor and use him to kill Anna vanart.

Seeing that ,anna approaches victor and checks for injuries. After finding that he has no physical injuries she sighed with releaf.

But Carter was heavily injured,so anna wanted to take him to a hospital as soon as possible but before she can do anything,a small tree branch is moving towards her at an incredible pace.

Before she could stop her, branch hits her and she was thrown away a few meters. After recovering from this attack,she got tensed thinking a more powerful enemy has appeared.

So,she tried take her son and Carter and get away from here as soon as possible but before that victor points at the sky and told her mom to look there.

She looks at the sky and get stunned because there is a sorcerer on the verge becoming a supreme being is flying in the sky.

Infront of him there are three big tornadoes and each of them are destroying each and every house or building and massecreing every person in the capital of Varoth without any mercy.

After seeing that anna was also stunned stiff for a second but after recovering,she took victor and Carter and got as far as she can from this capital. As she runs she thinks that thank God,that sorcerer target was not me otherwise we would have died there.

After few days she reached bahmuth kingdom and told all those things that happened to her to the king Newell, including assassins and sorcerer destroying Varoth kingdom's capital.

Hearing all that Newell says that,I don't know the exact reason behind of that sorcerer's destruction but I can safely say that Varoth kingdom will be destroyed in few years even if genius prince of Varoth kingdom returns and takes incharge of Varoth.

He was saying all that, suddenly queen Vermilia and her two sons arrived there and greeted the king Newell. After seeing them Newell went into rage mode directly went to the Vermilia and gripped her throat and lifts her of the ground.

Seeing this her both sons tried to stop him,but he throws them aside. He says to Vermilia"you caniving bitch ,you tried to assassinate anna so many times in so many ways,still I let you live because anna told me to let you go because of her kindness. Other wise I would killed you long ago.

But you took advantage of her kindness tried to kill her so many times.I knew lowlife like you couldn't be able to kill ,a stronger person than me like anna,that's why I let you go by giving small punishment. But now you tried to kill my son who is not even a teenager. Now you crossed the line,so today is your last day, telling her that he tried to kill her with his sword.

But Anna stops him and looks at Vermilia and says well Vermilia I have tolerated you for a long time but now you have crossed the border so you must face punishment. After telling that she looks at Newell and says Vermilia must be punished but killing her would bring turmoil in our kingdom,so banish her from castle and remove her from the official queen title. So that she wouldn't be able to cause chaos in this castle.

Hearing that he let go of Vermilia,but at that point she was already passed out. After that the queen and the related to the queen were thrown away from the castle including both the princes.

At the same time victor was laying on his bed thinking about all those things that happened to him in Varoth kingdom. First he was impressed by his mother speed, after that he was frightened by all those assassins who tried kill him but suddenly he felt relieved because her mom who is the strongest person in the world for him came back to save him.

But that relief couldn't last long because a small branch accidentally hit the strongest person for him,his mom and she was thrown away few metres. Then he saw a person who is flying,who can make big tornadoes which are supposed to be natural disaster by his sheer will. He was awestruck at that moment. The same moment was repeatedly playing in his mind.

At this point victor broke his limit of dream of becoming a superior human in his life and set a new dream of becoming supreme being before his death. But he had found about the process of becoming supreme by reading so many books in the past week. He thinks that in order to achieve that feat, firstly he needs to become a super human before he turns 16. Otherwise he would have less chance of becoming supreme being.

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