3.He dreamt after sleeping to achieve his dream

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After deciding he would be a super human under 6 years he read lots of books by neglecting studies and also he took pointers from his father and mother. After all this, he came to a conclusion before becoming a super human he needed to go through 4 stages.

1st stage: Human body consists of two components,namely physical body and energy body. so to firstly he needed to feel and analyse basics of the energy body.

2nd stage: After learning about energy body,he needed to feel energy in him and energy around him in the atmosphere.

3rd stage:In this stage energy in the atmosphere needed to be absorbed and stored in his energy body.

4th stage:When needed, the stored energy needed to be transferred to the part of the body that needed to be strengthened or to the whole body.

After that he trained to day by day complete those four stages neglecting his studies and martial arts training. his hardwork paid off that's why he completed those two stages in just 1 year. because he wanted to surprise his mom,he didn't told about his progress. But everything has its consequences,his mother found out about his exam results which were clearly very bad. so he got scolding from his mother.

That's not all, after trying so many times he could not make 1 percent of progress in 3rd stage. He was clearly disappointed,he didn't know what to do because he read all the books in the school and his mother and father were busy,so they also could not help him in any way and also he needs to show progress in his studies.

He knows if studies and take martial arts lessons he would get good grades,but does not have time to study because he was making slow progress even after training 16 hours a day excluding my daily activities. so I only sleep 5 hours,if I sleep less then that I would be like a zombie in a month. But I need more hours in a day .

After that he prays to god , please god give me more hours in a day,more hours in a day.....

Suddenly an idea pops into his mind,so he ran as fast as he can into library. then picks a book from novel section and in that novel was about a person who can not move his body due to injury to his spine. But he wants to move and travel around world so badly, that one day he really moves his body and flies over the clouds and travel around the world.

But next thing he finds out that it was all a dream,but he was still happy because atleast he can move in dream. After that day he daily slept with will to move and after few days he found out that he could actually feel and control every thing around him. so he made a large kingdom in his dream world and started to live in it like a king and forgotten about his miseries.

After reading that story victor thinks that didn't remember this story because he didn't like it,but controlling the dream world after sleep was a useful thing.I know this a novel, these are made up stories, but I have seen many bizarre things in my life so training in my dreams doesn't seems as bizarre as those things like supreme being.

So with 10 year old kids enthusiasm he thought that I should try it. After thinking that, he tried to have that sort realistic dream but he fails miserably. Even after a month he could not do that,so wanted quit that and try a new approach for more hours because at that point he wanted more hours so badly. on that night after training,he saw 12 in the clock so want go to sleep but suddenly the clock became big and 13,14,15 numbers were added to the clock. suddenly he realises it is not possible and realises it is a dream but he suddenly woke up.

After realising he had realistic dream he couldn't control himself and screamed lowdly yessss I  did  it, causing discomfort for neighborhood. That day onwards he tried to have realistic dream,a week passed but it never happened. but he neither get discouraged nor tried to quit it because he knew that the realistic dream is possible.

With that determination he tried every night and after 1 year,he mastered that realistic dreaming technique,in which he used his imagination to create lots of soldiers and fight them using a two swords in his both hands. All that training paid of and he became an incredible swordsmen,ofcourse in his dream only.

So to be a master swordsmen in real life also he had work on his physical body. Luckily he was getting 10 hours sleep a day and doing little bit of swordsmen training in real life, so he became a good swordsmen in reality also.

As per becoming a super human, due to the fact that 3rd stage majorly depends on absorbing energy in the atmosphere into the body and storing it into energy body and all that is highly proportional to the imagination of a person, the realistic dreaming technique helped him a lot because it improved his imagination over the months he practiced that technique.

So he completed the third stage and now practicing the fourth stage, that is to strengthen his body using that stored energy

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