The unexpected pals

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Laurens POV*
       "Hey girls, there's some one I want you to meet. I kinda offered to take her with us to Miami cause her friend ditched her down here and she needs to get back to her girlfriend" I was getting pretty anxious about how they're going to react to this.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Introduce us to this mysterious girl!" Dinah said and looked around to the other girls for approval, they all nodded their heads with confused looks.
"Taylor, sweetie, come on, they wont bite...hopefully" I joked with her. "Girls, this is Taylor Anne, she's the one that's going to tag along to get to Miami. Try to make her feel welcome." She just awkwardly waved at them.

Taylors POV*
       I just waved, I mean I know virtually nothing about Lauren, let alone going along with 4 other girls.      
"Hi, I'm Camila, this is Dinah, Normani, Ally and of course Lauren." She pointed to each girl. "You're really pretty" She added. "Oh..well thank you. You're not to bad on the eyes either, none of you are"
"Now where in the world did that confidence come from? Not 2 minutes ago you looked scared out of your mind that you walked onto a bus with 4 other girls on it, and here you are saying we're all pretty" I started blushing immensely. "I mean, I have a girlfriend who I'm trying to get back to, but I can't deny that you're all very beautiful. That would just make me blind and or a liar."

Laurens POV*
      All I could do is stand by and watch Taylor interact with the rest of the girls. She was so beautiful, I could only wonder if the girl she has waiting for her is worth it. If she's not then I want to make a move before any of the other girls do, but knowing them, they're quick at making a move. I just don't want her getting hurt.
"Taylor, why don't you come with me for a minute. I want to talk to you about something."
Suddenly all of the girls were eying me up probably wondering what I was up to.
I grabbed her hand leading her to the back lounge of the bus so we could have a little privacy to talk.
"So, Taylor, tell me about everything that's lead you to be sitting next to me in the back of a tour bus" I back tracked immediately "I mean, only if you're willing to tell me, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable" She sighed. "Look, I've had a really hard time today, I've gotten very bad news within the past couple days and I miss my girlfriend. I really just want to go to sleep right now, but I promise, I will tell you everything after your concert if you're not to tired and still want to hear it."
"Alright, I will take you up on that offer. Once the concert is over, and you're still willing to talk about it we will. But I don't want you to feel obligated to tell me anything. "
"I'll talk to you, but.." She stopped "never mind"
"No, tell me. I wont judge you." I stated softly
"I'm not used to sleeping alone.."
"Ohh, so do you want me to go to bed with you or I'm sure any of the girls will be willing to. We all love having someone to sleep with." I chuckled
"Can you? Or if you don't want to then can you see if Dinah can? She looks like she would be a great cuddler and that's what I want more than anything right now... If only my girlfriend were here" She sulked
"I will, But I have some things to take care of before the concert so if I have to get up then I will make sure Dinah comes in and takes my spot." She seemed relieved after that. I can't wait to get to know her better.

Taylors POV*
"Can we go now? I mean I'm really fucking ti-" "JAUREGUI WE NEED YOU TO COME SO WE CAN GET YOUR HAIR DONE" "Shit, I'm sorry babygirl, I'll get Dinah to sleep with you for right now and after I'm finished I'll come and take my rightful spot back" She said dramatically
"Haha okay, can you at least show me your bunk and tell Dinah to come cuddle with me for awhile?"
"Of course, come on." Once we got to her bunk she told me that I could move anything that I wanted to and that she was going to get Dinah, but not without kissing my cheek first.
"Hey girl, Lauren told me you wanted to ask me something?" That little bitch, I told her to ask Dinah for me. This is going to be awkward.
"Yeah..."I said rubbing the back of my neck "I'm not used to sleeping alone so I thought mayb- I could sleep with you?" She cut me off. I nodded my head, expecting her to laugh and say no. "I mean, we've only just met, I see you like to move pretty fast, I'm down" She said with a wink and started taking off her hoodie. "No no, I meant like like cuddle with me so I could fall asleep..Not sleep with you like that." I said wide eyed. "Whoa man, what do you think I am? Haha, it was a joke, I'm just taking off my hoodie cause I don't want to start sweating and get all uncomfortable while we're laying down" I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment. "You're fine cutie. But how do you want to do this? Normally I don't ask but I don't know you at all besides your name and that you're gay?" "Yeah, I am.. I hope you're not uncomfortable with that.. I don't mind if you don't want anything to do with me, I'm used to it once people find out." I said sadly "No, look, I am too, all of us except Ally are. It doesn't bother me at all. Plus, it's not everyday an absolutely beautiful girl such as yourself makes her way onto our bus and wants to cuddle. But back to the question, I could be the big or little spoon, or I could just have my arm around you, your head on my chest, whatever you feel like girl, I've got you. But Lauren did tell you she would be back so I have to be on the outside of the bunk, if that's cool with you."
"Yeah that's fine. And I don't mind what happens, I'm used to all of them, I'm not picky when it comes to cuddling."
"Looks like your head is going on my chest then. Do you want music or are you one of those people who cant sleep with sound?" She asks
"Um, can you put music one please?" She nodded. As we got all comfortable the familiar voice of my girlfriend came through. "I can't sleep tonight, Wide awake and so confused. Everything's in line, but I am bruised. I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home. I kinda need a hero, is it you?..."

Dinahs POV*
I put on a nice calm song to hopefully help her go to sleep. I really wish she didn't have a girlfriend otherwise this would be a great opportunity. Suddenly I felt her start to shake a bit. "Hey, are you crying?" She just buried her face into my shoulder more. All I could do is rub her back lightly to hopefully calm her down. Once her breathing was less erratic I tried asking her if she was okay, but she was already asleep. Lauren is not going to like this.

A/N~So, this was pretty uneventful, but it will lead to more. I'm sorry for what may or may not happen. Y'all might not like me for awhile. I know it took forever for me to update but now that it's summer break I will hopefully do it more often. Tell me what you guys want to happen though. Thanks for reading!

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