🪴 Episode 7 - Full Experimental Alchemist (Part 1) 🪴

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Author's Note

I started writing for Episode 7 a few months ago during February of this year. Unfortunately there were a lot of things that caused this chapter to be delayed.

Things such as Writers Block, art ideas, and also college in general. Mainly because of Writers Block for the most part, as there was a lot of scenes I either rewrote or scrapped.

Additionally I realized how many scenes that I ended up making, so I decided to make Full Experimental Alchemist a Two-Parter Story. Which will be covered in Episode 7 and Episode 8.

Also reworking the List of Episodes for Volume 1 of the Cookie Run Kimura AU, planning to write 15 Episodes/Chapters in total for this. But more volumes and chapters are still in mind, and still planning.

Either way, thank you so much for all the love and support! And I truly apologize if I ended up taking too long when posting these.

But I truly hope you all enjoy Episode 7! Feel free to write down your thoughts in the Comments Section!

Disclaimer: Most of the characters showcased are from the Cookie Run Franchise, which is made by Devsisters! The story itself is simply an alternate universe made for fun!

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Cream Puff has her typical meetings with the rest of the Student Council. This time discussing what they can do for upcoming events in the school. Alchemist suggests doing a science fair, and she secretly seeks out someone for some assistance, using her latest transmutation circle to reach them.

Finding Dark Enchantress and also her childhood friend Strawberry Crepe, making a nice little offer for the former. Now gaining favor from Dark Enchantress, Alchemist can put the science fair in place. And also go on with her own plans, for the greater good of dough.

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Cookie Biscuit High School, Student Council Meeting Room

Wednesday, 8:19am in the Morning

*tip-tap, tip-tap...!*


"Eep!! I'm late for the meeting!!"

The room filled with cookies quickly turned towards the direction of a door hastily opening. Soon followed by a more quieter but still hastily sound of the door closing, as the cookie kindly took her seat.

"I wanted to help my mom with organizing some documents from work, and I accidentally woke up late.", Cream Puff timidly apologized, "I'm truly sorry that happened..."

A purple-haired girl who's a few months older than her scoffed with full irritation in her voice, "Tch! Well you should've thought about us rather than those NOT associated with the Student Council! Be thankful that you only missed almost the first 20 minutes of this 1 hour meeting."

"I... I'm sorry, Alchemist...", Cream Puff looked down meekly, understanding and taking responsibility, "I only wanted to help my mom. Knowing about her role as a higher-up at work and how sought after it was."

Alchemist simply rolled her eyes very boldly and clearly, before going back to jotting down her unfinished notes from earlier as if nothing happened.

Cream Puff meanwhile showed a more softened up look, worried about what the purple-haired girl is currently thinking. Choosing to leave her be, giving her some space.

That's when she felt someone put his hand on her shoulder. Prompting her to turn around to a heartwarming and reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it, Cream Puff. We all have our moments where we arrive later than expected, even having valid reasons too. Just as long as you show up and be happy with those close to you, then everything will be okay!"

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