🌱 Kingdom Inspired Interactions - Blooming Friendship Group 🌱

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Main Character Cookies

*Herb Kimura {Polite Popular Student & Secret Legendary Cookie} 🪴
*Dark Choco Watanabe {Calm Popular Student & Disguised Ancient Cookie} 🍫
*Cherry Blossom Futaba {Energetic Cooking Club Leader} 🌸
*Sparkling Isui {Elegant Gay Bartender} 🥂
*Cream Puff Amai {Clumsy Student Council Enforcer} 🪄

Various scripts of the Five Main Cookie Characters interacting with each other, which is inspired by the overworld interactions that can be shown in Cookie Run Kingdom. 🪴

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The Love of Herbal Chocolate - Herb Kimura & Dark Choco Watanabe 🪴🍫
Herb: Hello there, Dark Choco! How are you doing?
Dark Choco: I'm doing well, Herb. Just lost in my thoughts.
Herb: Oh dear... Are you okay?
Dark Choco: Not really... You're such a sweet person Herb, one of the few cookies who I put my full trust into with my feelings.
Dark Choco: I'm afraid to lose you... I don't want anyone to hurt you because of my own mistakes...
Herb: *hugs* There's no need to feel afraid, Dark Choco. If there's anything troubling you, I'm always going to stick by your side.
Herb: I love you, my dearest Sunshine. You'll always be the brightest sun, especially during the warmest sunset who gave me courage and made me stronger with my skills.
Dark Choco: *hugs* I love you too, my loving Basil. And you'll always be the luckiest clover, the one who opened up my eyes to making stronger bonds and connections.

Tonight's Upcoming Premiere - Herb Kimura & Cherry Blossom Futaba 🪴🌸
Cherry Blossom: もしもし, ハーブ!! (Translation: Hello hello, Herb!!)
Herb: Glad to see you bouncy as always, Cherry Blossom!
Herb: How's everything been going along?
Cherry Blossom: Doing amazing~!! So you asked me to come to your house later, right?
Herb: A brand new episode of Spy x Family is scheduled to premiere tonight. And knowing you, I can tell that's one of your favorite anime.
Cherry Blossom: Yipee!! I baked some macarons for our exciting little anime-binging hangout!
Cherry Blossom: Also can we play a couple of video games afterwards? Maybe some Among Us if we can.
Herb: Hehe! Of course, Cherry Blossom. I'll meet you at my place later tonight, as promised.

A Cup of Tea First? - Herb Kimura & Sparkling Isui 🪴🥂
Herb: *sips* Mmm~ The way you make your tea always comes up as sweet.
Herb: It's sweet just like you, Sparkling! Hahaha!!
Sparkling: Thanks Herb, I'm happy that you love my work.
Sparkling: This is the first drink I created myself. Our strong bond as close as brothers struck that idea into me, and now I made this amazing serving.
Herb: I heard that this tea became a very quick hit. Being one of the best sweet teas ever according to many!
Sparkling: Thank you for always being by my side, Herb. Your sweet and polite personality has spread a lot of happiness into many. Including myself.
Herb: That's what childhood besties do, Sparkies! You and me, the cutely elegant pair of Special Brovert Ops!

Floral Contributions - Herb Kimura & Cream Puff Amai 🪴🪄
Cream Puff: Thank you for you and the rest of the Gardening Club contributing to help us out for the upcoming Bunny Time Event.
Herb: Me and the Gardening Club are always happy to help you and the Student Council.
Herb: I myself enjoy working together as a team with all of my friends. And I'm sure you feel the same as well!
Cream Puff: Yeah! I sure do!
Cream Puff: Although, I like to apologize for not being able to meet you in the library for some studying earlier.
Herb: No need to worry, Cream Puff. We can study together again once you manage to find the time!
Cream Puff: Yeah you're right, Herb. Thank you for understanding. You are such an amazing friend!

With a Taste of the Cherry Paradise - Dark Choco Watanabe & Cherry Blossom Futaba 🍫🌸
Cherry Blossom: Hiya, Dark Choco~!! I have a favor to ask you!
Dark Choco: Greetings, Cherry Blossom. How can I help you?
Cherry Blossom: Well, I made some yummy macarons from a brand new recipe given to me! I want you to try them!
Dark Choco: I apologize, Cherry Blossom. But I don't really eat sweets.
Cherry Blossom: Oh, okay then! Here you go!
Dark Choco: Mph!! *gulp* Nngh, I said no!
Cherry Blossom: I know you did. But I wanted to give you this yummy macaron either way, made from the recipe Hollyberry gave to me!
Cherry Blossom: Gave one to your father earlier, knowing he too enjoys macarons. He was shaking so much afterwards from how sweet it was!
Dark Choco: *nervous nom nom* Definitelynotbecausemyfatherisveryterrifiedofyou!

Baking Soda Volcano - Dark Choco Watanabe & Sparkling Isui 🍫🥂
Sparkling: Thank you for accompanying me to the bakery, Dark Choco.
Dark Choco: It's a pleasure to help you, Sparkling. I also wanted to get some pastries for myself, especially for their cheesy sandwiches.
Dark Choco: If I may ask, what do you need the baking soda for?
Sparkling: Got them for my little sisters. It's part of their entry to an upcoming Science Fair this coming Saturday afternoon.
Dark Choco: Blanc and Noir (aka; the Chess Choco Twins) are very loving and inspired by you as their big brother. With your dedication and strong passion, mixed in with the act of helping others out.
Sparkling: I'm happy I can help them just as much as I help you, Herb, and the others!
Sparkling: They want to use the baking soda to replicate their baking soda volcano. It's both impressive and kinda strange that they always get a huge crowd with it every time they partake in Science Fairs.

Books, Books, Meow, Books - Dark Choco Watanabe & Cream Puff Amai 🍫🪄
Cream Puff: Here's the Cacaoian History Book back, Dark Choco. Thank you for allowing me to borrow it for my studies.
Dark Choco: Anything to help cookies like you. It was quite easy to remember where the history books were in the library close by the castle.
Dark Choco: It's right across the manga section and is adjacent to the cat section.
Cream Puff: That cat section? Like it houses books that are all about cats?
Dark Choco: Yes it has tons of books about cats in the section of the library.
Dark Choco: It's also a place for cats and cookies alike to relax as well, since it looks like a cat house.
Cream Puff: Hmm... I only heard about Cat Cafes, but a Cat Library sounds just as adorable!

Roped Up Joker Compilation - Cherry Blossom Futaba & Sparkling Isui 🌸🥂
Cherry Blossom: Lookie, lookie! A nice compilation video by yours truly!!
Sparkling: Oh goodness me... I didn't even know this happened THAT many times!
Cherry Blossom: Oh, let's see the percentage of the cookies that got you roped up!
Cherry Blossom: You were roped up by Licorice at 26%, Affogato with 11%, Adventurer having the indirect 3%, and Pastry on the tower top of 60%
Sparkling: You sent all of these to Golden Cheese, did you?!
Cherry Blossom: It happened so many times that I gave the Cheese herself an entertaining pack.
Sparkling: Guess that explains why many cookies that I don't know much about keep calling me "Joker" anytime they see me... 

Lessons About Type Advantages and Disadvantages - Cherry Blossom Futaba & Cream Puff Amai 🌸🪄
Cream Puff: From what was mentioned in this textbook are the advantages and disadvantages for various types for a cookies' skill.
Cherry Blossom: Oh, I get it! That sounds interesting and cool!
Cream Puff: Seems like the Fire Type is weak to the Ground Type, which both of whom are weak to the Water Type.
Cream Puff: And it looks like the Plant Type is super effective on every single type except for the Fire Type and the Poison Type.
Cherry Blossom: *cheerful claps* Ooh~!! Such an impressive thing to keep in mind!
Cream Puff: Indeed it is! I'm glad that you were able to finally listen to something that's useful for school.
Cherry Blossom: As well as video games!!

The Latest Subway Train News - Sparkling Isui & Cream Puff Amai 🥂🪄
Cream Puff: That sounded very intense. I hope everything turns out well soon.
Sparkling: Most of the latest news being announced on the subway has one recurring thing.
Sparkling: It has Detective Almond Goro about all of those heists that Phantom Bleu is committing.
Cream Puff: And it seems like Almond is always so close to catching and arresting them. But Phantom Bleu seems to get away everytime.
Cream Puff: For some reason Phantom Bleu seems to know their way around those recently robbed areas a lot more when they strike Cookie Biscuit City.
Sparkling: Maybe someone told him about all of the details they need to know for his planned out heists.
Cream Puff: (Did Sparkling just called Phantom Bleu a "he" just now?)

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