🌹 Think of a Wonderful Thought, Any Merry Little Thought 🌹

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TW: Hurt & Comfort, Character Death, Implied Thoughts of S-Cide

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🧚 Think of a Wonderful Thought, Any Merry Little Thought 🧚
🐰 Cookie: Mochi Bunny McNamara 🐰

Entry #1: House Mochi

1887 was the year I was born. Something I choose not to mention when cookies ask what my birthday is. If I say "May 22, 1887" numerous cookies are guaranteed to become overly curious for their own good.

I do not blame them however, knowing what I dealt with during those days. As the duke of the now late House Mochi, we were quite different compared to the other Noble Families.

For one we were Bunny-Cookie Hybrids, who are cookies that have bunny ears and tail. Not to mention have the agility and quick thinking of an actual bunny. Many cookies admired what we offer with our talents and capabilities.

House Mochi was the one who were well known as talented in Performing Arts. Everything relating to theatre plays of all kind. A bunch of these are still around til this day under my ownership, such as "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", "Little Goody Two Shoes", and "Peter & Wendy"

Not just that however, House Mochi is also very well known for their secondary but equally as important role. That being how we're considered very agile defenders for the queen at the time (she's the grandmother of Hollyberry Mistletoe), making sure to defend the kingdom from trespassers and traitors.

Even I got the traits for both of these. The graceful sense of performing arts and scriptwriting, as well as being very skilled with my pair of Ribbon Daggers and a cookie capable in protecting others. I had a very loving and supportive family, who are always there to guide me towards the right path. Unfortunately it all came to an end on July 7, 1901. When a strong storm invaded the kingdom, and that House Mochi was negatively impacted the most out of the Noble Families.


Entry #2: The Tragedy of a Young Bunny

It became filled with fear, devastation, and just an entire mixture of strong negative emotions. I was the only survivor, despite being struck by the same lightning that the rest of my family got crumbled by. It was then where I realized that I was struck by a magical surge of lightning instead, which caused me to become immortal due to how my body permanently stopped aging from it.

I didn't know what to do, I was very scared. Everyone in the kingdom thought I too had perished, and I was afraid to approach them to show that I'm alive. I kept to myself for a few weeks, hiding within the ruins of what used to be House Mochi. Unsure what to do now, after seeing my entire family perish.

Throughout these moments, I grew more and more distant, empty, unsure, sometimes even questioning what did I ever do to deserve such pain. The kind of emotions that makes me wonder why should I continue on living?

The worst thought back then was also with the knowledge that I can't crumble simply by aging. I was forever physically 14-years old, and it caused me to unwillingly become immortal. Many would dream to have this trait. But for me I didn't even want to live on, because the ones who I love the most are no longer alive.

Several times, when I look at all the broken mirror vanities, I sometimes see that my eyes would be a bright yellow rather than my usual dark pink ones. I was unsure what to think with this one, because every time my eyes shifted into yellow... It gave me a soothing feeling of reassurance... But I was completely unsure whether to trust it or not.


Entry #3: Stardust Nightlight

Eventually a cookie who is created with the thought of the stars watching over Earthbread, known as Stardust Nightlight, found me. He wandered in the ruins of a pretty crumbled House Mochi, finding me residing in what remains of it.

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