Curseworld, Part I

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(The citizens of Ninjago are celebrating the New Year Festival. In Chen's Noodle House, Ronin is sitting by himself watching TV.)

Reporter: (On TV) Season of change is almost to an end. And residents of Ninjago eagerly await to celebrate tonight's New Year Festival.

Skylor: Hard to believe you don't have any friends to usher in the New Year.

Ronin: Let's just say I'm good at making friends, just not keeping them.

Skylor: Huh. Even a friend who spoils the party every once in a while is still a better friend than someone who stays. (She looks at Ronin's Aeroblade, which he puts away.) Ah. It's okay. I've been around enough weapons in my day. In fact, kind of reminds me of some old friends.

Ronin: How much do I owe you?

Skylor: It's on the house, friend.

Ronin: Huh. Appreciate it. (Someone come in Chen's Noodle House.)

Skylor: Hi Randall.

Randall: Hi, Skylor

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Randall: Hi, Skylor. I am here to pick an order.

Skylor: Let me go get it. (Left to get order.)

Ronin: Your Randall right.

Randall: Yeah, why?

Ronin: I know two people at have talk about and look like same hair color.

Skylor: (Came back with Randall order.) Here you go Dragon winter family food. I was about to ask are you relate to Lilly. Your hair is kinda like Lilly hair.

Randall: Oh yeah, she is my cousin. Hair color is kind of in our family blood.

Skylor & Ronin: Cool.

Reporter: Festival celebration is going on all over Ninjago.

Ronin: Hey, mind turning that up?

Reporter: But not only in Ninjago. Other cities in every corner...

Skylor: You know that sewer swamp?

Reporter: ...are celebrating this festival...

Ronin: Yeah. I used to call it home.

Reporter: ...and no other town likes to celebrate more than the residents in Stiix county.

Stiix Residents: Wow!

Boy: Oh, man. That's awesome.

Morro: Now let's shed a little light. (He sets the Realm Crystal in place and opens the Cursed Realm for the Ghost Warriors.)

Wrayth: Ah, it's good to be back.

Mazy: How long until the Preeminent is ready?

Soul Archer: Her energy is still too strong to cross the Ethereal Divide.

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