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(A series of doors open at Kryptarium Prison as the ninja are led past several prisoners by Warden Noble. Nya & Lilly, frightened by the prisoners, grabs Jay & Cole, Lilly trips.)

Lilly: Whoa, ugh... (Cole picks Lilly up.)

Cole: Don't look at them, I will keep you safe!

Lilly: I do like this place.

Prisoners: Purple Meat, fresh Purple meat.

Lilly: Ah!

Prisoners: (Chanting) Fresh meat!

Noble: Don't mind them, they all get a little grouchy when they don't get their meat.

Jay: Ah! (A cafeteria woman comes out ringing a triangle and giving meat to the prisoners.)

Prisoners: (Chanting) Fresh meat!

Prisoners: Mm, meat!

(The ninja start going faster, away from the previous section of inmates.)

Kimmer: (Laughing nervously) Hehehehe.

(Lloyd strains, attempting to take off the shackles.)

Lloyd: Ergh!

Zane: Kryptarium Prison, we've been here before, but as guests, never inmates.

(Lloyd tries taking off the shackles.)

Noble: You can try, but those shackles are made of Vengestone. Pretty good for shutting down your powers, and making' sure you don't ghost out of here.

Cole: Oh, yeah? But how good are they against my super strength? (Cole grunts and strains.) Just wait, almost got them. (Strains more, then sighs.)

Lilly: They aren't gonna break bae.

Wyplash: Hey, aren't those the ninja? They're responsible for putting me in this place! (He takes off one arm and starts hitting it on the bars.)

Cole: And we're shuffling, we're shuffling.

Noble: Since you're celebrities, I took the liberty of taking you out of the general population...

Kai: Ha! Who doesn't love special treatment?

Noble: (Opening door.) ...and placing you in the super mean and dangerous population. (Prisoners chatter indistinctly.)

Nya: You're real special, all right.

Lloyd: It's no problem, Warden. We'll do our time until all of this is straightened out. Like I said before, we were framed.

Noble: That's what they all say. Now get in your cell, inmates! (Looks for keys) Gosh, darn it, I forgot my keys again. Well, stay here while I go find them. (He runs off as the prisoners continue to chatter in the background.)

Jay: A-at least they're locked up. Hehehehe... (The Mechanic presses his robo-arm and all the doors slide open. He and the other prisoners surround the ninja.)

Blackmagic & Kimmer: You have to say it.

Lloyd: Nifty gadget. Did you make that?

The Mechanic: They call me The Mechanic. And I got a bone to pick with you.

Prisoners: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Blackmagic: Well, that's one more bone than you've got in your entire arm. Let me guess, you don't have much of a spine either.

The Mechanic: I used to repair noodle trucks for Master Chen and his underground organization. When you put him out of business, you put me out of business!

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