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Thousand of years ago, their was a couple they loved eachother deeply that they want to start a new loving family together.. the woman give birth to a beautiful daughter. But it wasn't just a ordinary child. It was a angel. Gift from the Gods or either a Angel sent from Heavens.

They name their daughter as (no spoiler🤫)
.Years have passed their daughter have grown into a beautiful woman and a strong female warrior that protects her people. Everyone admired her and respect her. Because she was a gift from the Gods. But she wasn't the only angel that is living on earth.

Their was a fallen angel that committed a sin. That made him into a fallen angel. He also become a threat to humanity. He cause destruction and break the golden age.

The angel aka the gift from Gods finally knows the reason why she was on earth in the first place... She needed to defeat the fallen angel.. for humanity to have peace again.

The two angels finally face to face in a forest. The two angels battle eachother and fought for hours.

The fallen angel manage to apprehended the angel.. he able to defeat the angel that is gift from the Gods. The fallen angel was satisfied from his victory.. but.. the battle hasn't end yet.

The angel gift from the Gods still have enough power to created a two glowing balls. She sent it to a trusted people she knows.. the bishops. She sent it to the bishops to hope that they may protect her creation she made. Without the fallen angel noticing.

She slowly vanished from the world.

But after hundreds of years the fallen angel found out about the two glowing balls that the angel gift from the Gods created before she vanished.. the fallen angel blood boiled from anger from not finding out sooner.

The fallen angel have tried to find the two glowing balls for hundreds of years. The bishops was able to hid the two glowing balls from the fallen angel.

The fallen angel wanted to find and found out what can the two glowing balls can do..

Because he knows that those glowing balls. Are threat to him...

Eyes of the Heavens. (GerPol)Where stories live. Discover now