Chapter 2

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What did he say? Me? Hiding something? Is he drunk or something? "What?" I said to Germany with confusion on my face, he look at me with those serious look just like EU look at me when I'm late. "Are you hiding something?" He repeated his words. And his serious.. I wasn't hiding something Why would he think I'm hiding something? What's up with him. "No I'm not hiding something. Why you ask?" I said to him. "It's nothing..  Forget about it." He said and look away, he definitely doesn't believe my words but I know that I'm not lying.
"Okay.. so uhm.. what's your next subject?" I ask, I wasn't curious but I don't want to make everything more awkward and silent like last time. "Oh it's Science" he said, I froze.. we had the same history class.. and also SCIENCE!? "Oh.. same.." I said he looks suprised too "what a coincidence.." he said while rubbing his arm, is he nervous?
"So... Since Japan is our friend.. do you wanna be friends with me..?" He said, my eyes widen I wasn't expecting him to say something like that, he wants to be friends with me? Well.. I don't mind, I want to get to know him.. because I'm sensing danger when I'm alone with him and I want to know why.. "sure, let's be friends!" I said and put a fake happy smile on my face, I'm always good at faking my smile and not even a single person notice it's fake and I'm glad because I often do this whatever I want to hide my true feelings. "Really? Great!" He said while putting a smile on his face it wasn't fake I can tell, "yeah.. great.. Japan and america are taking Soo long to come back." I said I don't want this conversation to end, I don't like silence when I'm with him. "Yeah you're right...." He said...


"Poland and Germany are already looking for us! Let's go back!" I told Japan who is looking at Poland and Germany from a distance. "Shhh! Their talking to eachother!" Japan said as she start wiggling around because of how cute Poland and Germany are when they talk to eachother,  they do look cute.  I can't hear what their talking about but I know it's something good because Poland and Germany smiled at eachother.

  I can't hear what their talking about but I know it's something good because Poland and Germany smiled at eachother

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Ahh.. I wish me and Russia are like that- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! don't say something like that! It's not like I like Russia or anything.. his grumpy and cold!... who wants him anyways?! I will 'never' like him!... I start to feel my cheeks turning bright red like a tomato. Gosh this is so embarrassment.. I hope no one sees my face.. it's so red like Russia's father..


I walk towards the kitchen to grab some tea since I really need tea right now.. I start making tea for myself and after I finish making tea, I grab one of my bible. I sat down in the couch. And start reading my bible.. my guts are telling me that the devil is coming.. ofcourse he will come back.. the day Poland was born, I know that the devil will show himself soon... I can't believe I let Poland go to a public school.. he needs to be homeschool but his to stubborn to agree.. if that's what he want.. then I'll let him.. I most.. protect Poland.. in any cost.. and also Lithuania.. I most protect them both.. even if I will loose my life.


I start to get to know Polen more than I thought. His actually nice and kind... Me and Poland have been talking for minutes now. and I'm sure that the bell will ring in any seconds. As I expected the bell indeed ringed. "Looks like it's science time.. do you know where our next class is?" I ask to Poland since I still haven't explore the school. And I might get lost. "Oh yeah! I know where it is! Let's go before we get late and get scold!" Poland said as he grab my hand and start dragging me. I was a bit startled because no one like literally no one have ever hold my hand and drag me around. But Japan is different she use my collar of my shirt instead than my hand.
"You know.. you don't have to drag me around-!" I said. "Nah dragging you is much faster!" He said. I just chuckles and let him drag me around. I don't mind because I start to feel comfortable around him because of our conversation earlier. We finally arrived in our next class. And thankfully our science teacher hasn't arrived yet.

I sat down in my seat and Poland sat down next to me. Other students are chatting or gossiping in the classroom. The door open and Mrs W.H.O walk inside holding a bunch of papers in her hands. Everyone in the classroom finally stayed silent after Mrs W.H.O came in.

"Good morning students,  we have a new project you're not gonna do this alone, I'm gonna pair you all with your seatmate." Mrs  W.H.O said, I look at Poland since he's seatmate, he also look at me and smiled, that smile is fake but I'll just pretend that I didn't know. 

"This project is about making a volcano using clays and plastic bottle. You can either make a cold volcano using baking soda and vinegar. Or hot volcano using yeast and peroxide. It's your choice. Pick one and make it." Mrs W.H.O said she start giving the students papers of how to make volcanoes. She give Poland a paper, "can I see it?" I ask, "sure! Here!" Poland said and shows me the paper, I start reading the paper on how to make volcanoes, I don't really need this since I'm pretty good of creating things.

"The deadline will be next Monday" Mrs W.H.O said. Next Monday? It's Thursday today so that's great. I look at Poland. "So.. let's start this on Saturday.. so we can have plenty of times to make this volcano.." i said to him, I wonder where we gonna start making. I hope it's not my house. My family are crazy, I don't want to embarrassed myself to Poland... "Alright.. let's do this at my house! It's quietier there! And my father doesn't mind!" Poland said, thank God. I don't want him to see my crazy family "okay! So what are you gonna bring for our project?" I ask him. "I'm gonna bring a plastic bottle and cardboard for volcano to stand." He said. "Okay. And I'm gonna bring clays and im also gonna bring yeast and peroxide, hot volcano is better isn't it?" I said. "Yeah! Hot volcano is better! Let's put this in our list Incase we forgot!" He said and grab a paper and a pen to start writing the list were gonna bring.


I can't believe me and Japan just skipped class... I'm gonna get scold from my father and mother if they found out. Canada and Australia and new Zealand are probably in their classes now.. I'm the only one who isn't.. I glare at Japan, she grab her sketchbook to start drawing Poland and germany, what a shipper. I grab her sketchbook before she even can draw in it. She look surprised and glare at me "give that back! Now!" She said. "No! This is a revenge! For making me skipped a class!" I shout at her. "Oh youuu!!!! I'm gonna get you!!" She yelled at me, and that's a sign that I should run, I start running and she start chasing me, "you can't catch me!!! Ahahaha!" I yelled and burst out laughing,  she look furious since I still have her sketchbook. I look behind me and flip her off, but after that I regret it because I accidentally crash into someone. I fall on top of the person I crash into. "Hey-! Watch where you going!" The person said and pissed. "I'm so sorry-" I said but I recognize that voice. I look at the person I crash into. And after that my face turn red like a tomato.

"Russia?" I said and flustered.

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