chapter 1.

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I was sleeping peacefully until my annoying alarm clock start to go in. I quickly grab it and toss it outside the window, I hope I didn't hit someone or else I will get in trouble! It's my 56 times destroying my alarm clock..looks like I should buy another one.. I grab my phone to check what time it is.. its 6:31AM I have plenty of time to prepare myself to go to school... I got up and went to the bathroom..

°•time skip after showering•°

I wrap my towel around my waist as I exit the bathroom, i went to my room to get some clothes. I perfer clothes that are comfy and not revealing. I open my closet and I grab a white shirt and a brown sweater and a baggy jean....
After dressing up I went down stairs, I saw my father Vatican city sitting on the couch reading a Bible or something about god. I went to the kitchen to grab some apple since I'm lazy to cook and I don't really know how to cook, I'm bad at it.. ): I grab my phone to check what time it is and it said 7:19... 7:19!!?!?! I'm gonna be late for sure!, I quickly open the fridge and grab an apple and I quickly ran towards the exit door but before that.. "father! I'm going now!" I said to my father he lift his head to see me.. "okay! Be safe!" He said and went back reading the bible, I sigh and open the door I exit my house as I look around.. and KURWAA!! I missed the bus.. welp looks like I have to walk then.. I sigh and start heading to school.. great.. ah Great.. 
I keep walking and I always felt like someone is watching me.. no.. like billions of eyes are watching me.. huh weird I'm literally alone and I don't see much people in here.. this always happens to me so it's like a morning routine to me.... I have a older sister name Lithuania.. she's in collage and she already has her own house, I won't be seeing her around, but she visit us every month.. that's fine.

°•time skip arrived at the school (I love time skip so.. try stoping me 😜)•°

Phew.. finally I arrived.. I grab my phone again to check what time it is.. it's now 8:11AM and I'm late... I quickly run towards my class and open the door only to see my history teacher EU standing Infront of me with those disappointed look. Oh God I'm dead.. "you are late.. again.. and why?" He ask as he cross his arms and glaring at me, ugh his mad.. "I'm so sorry sir! I lost track of times-" before I can even finish what I was saying he cut me off "excuse.. same excuse I got yesterday.. if you continue doing this Poland I will sent you to the principal office" he said with those serious look, oh gosh he mean it.. "I understand.. I'm so sorry sir.." I said looking down and upset, he sigh "go take a seat" he said he looks like he doesn't want to deal with me anymore. Ha. I nod as I approach my seat and sat down and sigh in frustration, I don't want to end up getting sent to the principal office... My father will kill me! He doesn't even know I keep getting late, I never told him because he will definitely scold me and I don't like it because he always brings up the sentence 'when I was little-' like I didn't ask. Okay I'm being rude I should stop.
I have alot of friends but most of them are in a different classes. So yeah I'm lonely forever until this class ends. Then Sir EU then mention a new student joining our class. "We have a student joining our class please introduce yourself young man" EU said as he gestured to a boy with glasses.. nerd? Probably. The boy show himself Infront of everyone, the boy have three different color stripes in his flag. The top is black and the middle is red while the bottom one is yellow I don't know if I should call it yellow since it's a bit darker. He also wears a maroon glasses that really suits him but for some reason he looks like a nerd.. no he definitely is a nerd he has eyebags his probably one of those type of people who sees school as a job or something, "h- hello.. my name is Germany.." he said he looks shy, I'm not surprised, "thank you Germany, please go sit next Poland that one who has two stripes white on top and red on the bottom" EU said as he pointed at me, Germany nod his head as he start to approach me, wow Great. Ofcourse he will sit next to me since the only empty seat is next to me. Ugh.  Germany sat down next to me he gives me a shy smile and slowly look away, EU continue his lessons ofcourse, but for some reason when Germany sat down next to me i feel like someone is telling me that he is a threat, oh I'm probably just hearing things, Germany looks nice he can't be a threat right? Right..

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