Get on your knees and apologies. (Smut)

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Lando pov
I burried my head deeper into my pillow, blanket pulled up to my neck, trying to ignore the vibrations from my phone. Finally it stopped and I was able to slip back into a deep sleep, curled up in the warmth of my bed. i had no work today so I was able to sleep as long as I wanted. That was until the door of my room swung open, slamming against the wall. I awoke with a jolt, looking at a very drenched Oscar, his hair plastered to his face and a scowl on his lips. Fuck I promised to pick him up.
"Shit- Osc I am-"
"Shut up." He grumbled at me, angrily rummaging through the closet before pulling out a pair of black shorts and one of my hoodies. Trudging into the bathroom he slammed the door, I swear he was going to tear it off its hinges. I forced myself out of the bed, shivering at them freezing air.
"Osc.." I cooed through the door.
"Go away, you ass."
"Im sorry I fell asleep!" I let my head fall against the door, letting out a dramatic sigh, hoping he could hear it through the door.
"Move." I took a step back and he pulled the door open, he always looked best in my hoodies but an angry expression was still covering his face so it wasnt time to tell him. He forced past me, towards the door.
"Oscahh Im sorry." I followed close behind him my voice trailing off as he began making himself a tea.
"Not good enough. You left me in the rain, I HAD TO WALK." His voice was raised, pouting angrily as he quickly finished his drink and took a long swig.
"I'll go on my knees, is that good enough?" I quipped back, a soft giggle accompanied my words.

Oscar's pov
I felt my face warm up at the idea, images coming to my head. Maybe it would be good enough. I placed my cup on the countertop again, and stared at Lando with an eyebrow raised.
"What?" He tilted his head slightly, like a cute puppy.
"Go on, get on your knees and apologise." A smirk pulled at the corners of my lips and I saw shock cover his face, it was quickly replaced by a evil grin. He complied, dropping to his knees on the cold, hard tile. Looking up he pouted out a lip, it was quiet the sight, I had to stop myself from kissing him right then and there.
"Osc, I am so sorry, please forgive me?" Keeping his lip jutted out he looked up through his lashes, holy fuck.
"Your too pretty to be mad at." I traced a finger over his jawline.
"Fuck, you are so hot." I repeated quieter this time, almost a whisper. I saw his cheeks flush a light pink in response.
"Your really hot from this angle too." He leant against me his head almosr directly on my crotch.
"Come on, wasnt sorry not enough?"

Lando pov
I grinned up at him seeing a red tint spread across his face.
"You were so brave before, wheres that gone?" I teased, slowly dragging a finger over the crotch seam. He let out a soft hum, intertwining his hand into my curls and tugging to make me look at him. Grining I shimmied his shorts down to his ankles, revealing his tight boxers. I mouthed over his bulge, making him shiver and tighten his grip. After a bit of teasing I pulled down his boxers, small love bites littered around his crotch, over his thighs from last night.
"No more teasing, your supposed to be begging for forgiveness be good." He huffed, I nodded before beginning to take his length slowly, my hot breath making his cock twitch. I watched as he leant against the counter, his head fallen back as I brushed my nose against his stomach before pulling back. I took his whole length again, going faster each time, my tongue licking against the bottom side of his cock. He let out breathy moans, his hand still painfully tight around my curls. I pulled of fully receiving a dissatisfied whine before moving to his thighs and reviving the throbbing red hickeys and kitten licking across the slit of his tip.
"What did I say about teasing?" He groaned, tugging on my hair which I gladly followed, taking his length again but this time guided by his hand. Each time pulling off to kiss against his tip.
"You keep doing that and Im going to fuck you-"
"Race tomorrow." I hummed around his dick, making him shiver again, with a sigh he loosened his grip but kept guiding me. He began to thrust loosly, hinting that he was getting close. I hummed again, swirling my tongue around him, that did it. With one last thrust he came down my throat, I licked of the last drops as he dropped his head back, still leaning in the counter, his legs shaking slightly.
"Am I forgiven?"

Oscar Pov
as he stood up pulling my boxers and shorts back, he planted a gentle kiss against my lips before pushing his hands under my jumper and onto my bear skin, his hands were freezing but my warmth quickly spread to him.
"You look so handsome in my hoodie by the way." He whispered softly in my ear, pressing gentle kisses on my exposed neck. In return I snaked my arms over his neck and a hand into his hair, giving him a soft tug enticing out gentle humms. We stood like this for a while before hiding back in bed, Lando curled tightly to my chest. God I loved him, even when he forgets.

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