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"I still can't believe it. This is our last year of high school." Mingyu said while pulling up to the school.

"Thank God. I hate it here." Wonwoo said.

"Why? Everyone loves us!" Mingyu said.

"Correction, everyone loves YOU. They simply tolerate me because I'm friends with you." Wonwoo said.

"Best friends." Mingyu corrected.

"Whatever. If I wasn't with you 24/7 those guys from middle school would probably still be on my dick." Wonwoo said.

"No. You started going to the gym." Mingyu said.

"Because you always make me go with you." Wonwoo said.

"You would've started going anyways. I just nudged you a bit." Mingyu said.

"I would not have. I infact would be a bum who plays video games all day. But whatever helps you sleep at night." Wonwoo said as they both got off the motorcycle.

"Let's just get to class, asshole." Mingyu said while putting an arm around Wonwoo as they walked into the school.

Mingyu was instantly met with a ton of fan girls the second he entered the school.

"Oppa can you show me to class?"

"Mingyu, you look so good!"

"Oppa, I missed you this summer!"

"Ladies, Ladies, Ladies! There's enough of me to go around." Mingyu said with a chuckle.

"I'll head to class, have fun." Wonwoo said.

"Wait, Wonwoo!" Mingyu yelled, but Wonwoo had already been making his way to class.

Upon entering class, Wonwoo was greeted by his friend Hansol.

"Wonwoo! Wassup?!" Hansol exclaimed, Wonwoo going over to the male's desk.

"Nothing much." Wonwoo answered.

"Where's Mingyu?" Hansol asked.

"The girls are drooling over him and shit. He's entertaining them, per usual, and I didn't feel like witnessing it." Wonwoo said.

"Dude, you need to hop off Mingyu's dick. We're in our senior year! Wonwoo. You're actually hot- and you're tall. No homo or whatever. But go to parties and actually get laid instead of only getting fucked up. Maybe even get a girlfriend this year. Do something other than dickride Mingyu." Hansol advised.

"I know but like...too much work. Maybe during college." Wonwoo said while shrugging.

"Question. Are you a virgin?" Hansol asked.

Before Wonwoo could even answer, Mingyu bursted into the classroom.

"Jeon Wonwoo! Why'd you leave meeee?" Mingyu whined, going over to Wonwoo and Hansol. (taking it upon himself to pull up a chair as well)

"You were occupied. Didn't want to cockblock." Wonwoo said.

"I don't fuck around that much." Mingyu pouted.

"Sure. Whatever helps you live with yourself." Wonwoo said.

"I don't!" Mingyu exclaimed, the teacher walking into class.

"Hello students! This is your last first day of school! Some of you I have known since you were freshman! But anyways, let's get started shall w-" but she was interrupted by a student entering the class.

"I'll let it slide since it's the first day." The teacher said before yapping about her summer vacation.

He's cute. Hansol thought, seeing the guy, who he assumed was new.

"Yo! Over here!" Hansol said as the guy went over to them.

"Wonwoo, move." Hansol whispered.

"Fuck you." Wonwoo said, getting out of the seat next to Hansol and pulling up a seat next to Mingyu.

"Hi! I'm Boo Seungkwan! Thanks for calling me over here. This is my first year here, and I literally don't know anyone." Seungkwan said.

"No problem! Sit right here. Tell me about yourself." Hansol said as he shifted all his focus to Seungkwan.

Wonwoo didn't miss the blush on Seungkwan's face.

Hansol that son of a bitch. Wonwoo thought with a chuckle.

"Wonwoo, wanna go sit at the back of the class? I'm tired as fuck." Mingyu suggested.

"I'm down." Wonwoo said, the two going and sitting at the open desks at the back of the classroom.

"Wake me up when class is over." Mingyu said.

"Got it." Wonwoo said with a smile.

Mingyu smiled back before putting his head down and falling asleep soon after.

The entire class period, the teacher was yapping nonstop, Hansol was (not so) lowkey flirting with Seungkwan, Mingyu was knocked the fuck out, and Wonwoo was eating snacks and watching movies on his phone. (an/: wonwoo be me during freshman year)

What an amazing first class of the day!!

The teacher finally shut the hell up when the sound of the bell was heard.

"Already? Oh okay- I'll see you all next time!" The teacher exclaimed.

"Wonwoo, remember what I said. Senior year. Get laid." Hansol said.

"You complain about the guys on the football team, yet you sound exactly like them." Wonwoo said.

"Shut up! Is this what I get for trying to be nice to you? Asshole." Hansol said, going over to Seungkwan and offering to show him to his classes.

"Mingyu. Wake up." Wonwoo said, gently shaking the male.

While doing so, Wonwoo couldn't help but admire Mingyu's facial features.

Talk about face card. Wonwoo thought.

"Gyu. Wake up." Wonwoo thought, playing with the male's hair.

"Hmm? Wonwoo, don't do that. It looks gay as hell." Mingyu said while getting up.

"S-sorry." Wonwoo said while collecting his things.

"Wait for me!" Mingyu said while grabbing his things as well.


"Wonwoo, wait!"

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