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Wonwoo woke up a little while later, and felt WAY better than he did previously.

He made his way downstairs and found that everybody had left his house. (thankfully)

However, they had saved him the TINIEST portion of food.

"Those assholes." Wonwoo muttered while quickly eating what was left.

Noticing that his phone was still on the counter, he decided to check his phone just in case someone had texted him for whatever reason.


Wonuuuu can u come over??

you said u would right?


oh shit-

my bad😅

js woke up

uhhhh im otw


damn good morning💀

but yay!!

see u in a bit



Wonwoo chuckled before getting dressed in the first hoodie he could find and some grey sweatpants to match.

He quickly made his way to his car before driving to Mingyu's house.

Going Mingyu's house was quite rare, actually.

Despite them being friends for (5) years, Wonwoo had only been to Mingyu's house a handful of times.

And he'd met Mingyu's parents even less.

However! That didn't bother Wonwoo THAT much.

He hated meeting people's parents.

So....it was kinda a win.

(Reason 849824 of why he was single)

In defense, meeting people (parents, namely) was intimidating as fuck.

However, it kinda sucked that Wonwoo had never held a real conversation with Mingyu's parents.

Wonwoo and Mingyu met when they were 13...so Wonwoo hardly knew anything about Mingyu before that time.

And unlike Wonwoo's parents, Mingyu's parents weren't constantly telling him about the stupid shit Mingyu did in his pre-Wonwoo years.

Kinda unfair but whatever.

Nothing Wonwoo could do about it.

Wonwoo finally pulled up to Mingyu's house, parking and getting out of his car.

One thing he did know, however, was that Mingyu could not lock a damn door to save his life!

Wonwoo entered the house, seeing Mingyu laying on the couch comfortably.

"Oh? How did you get in here?" Mingyu asked.

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