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"Sorry I took so long. I had to shower and shit. Are your parents okay with you being out this late?" Wonwoo asked as him and Sujin walked around the city together.

He'd decided to just give into her and hang out with her after practice.

"I'm not 12, Wonwoo. They don't care as long as I return to get ready for school." Sujin said with a chuckle.

"Oh that's chill as fuck." Wonwoo said while hitting his vape.

"Here we are." Sujin said while stopping in front of a movie theater.

"Wow, you were serious about that movie." Wonwoo said with a chuckle.

"I wanted to see a horror movie, that okay?" Sujin asked.

"Duh. I love horror movies!" Wonwoo exclaimed.

"I don't watch them often, but this one seemed interesting." Sujin said.

They both chuckled while walking in and buying the tickets.

"I'll pay for the popcorn and the drinks." Wonwoo said.

"You sure? I can." Sujin said.

"You already bought tickets. It's the least I could do." Wonwoo said.

"Okay! Can I have a Pepsi? And umm...why don't we share a large popcorn?" Sujin suggested.

"Sure." Wonwoo said while going to the counter and buying the items.

"Thanks." Sujin said with a smile.

"No problem. Let's go." Wonwoo said as they walked to the room the movie was playing in.

"Oh shit, we missed the previews. Hurry up." Wonwoo said while grabbing her hand and bringing her to their seats.

"Do you want to hold the popcorn?" Wonwoo asked, still holding onto her hand without realizng.

"Y-you can." Sujin stuttered, blushing like crazy.

"Bet." Wonwoo said, letting go of her hand and holding the popcorn.

He's so cute. And hot as fuck. (a/n: girl I know) Sujin thought as she observed Wonwoo watching the movie with a small smile. (which was kinda weird since it was a horror movie, but that was just a minor detail.)

"What's up? Sorry for how I look right now. I had my contacts in all day so I needed a break. My glasses are kinda shitty." Wonwoo said while chuckling and facing towards her.

"N-no. I think you're really attractive with your glasses." Sujin said shyly.

"Really? Thanks." Wonwoo said while chuckling and facing back to the movie.

After a little while, the first jump scare occurred, causing many people, including Sujin, to scream.

"You guys are pussies." Wonwoo said while laughing his ass off.

"That was scary!" Sujin defended.

"Whatever you say." Wonwoo said with a chuckle.

Finally the movie was over, and everyone left the theater.

"That was so scary. We should've just seen the little kid cartoon." Sujin said.

"It was fun." Wonwoo said with a smile.

"Y-you had fun? With me?" Sujin asked while blushing.

"Duh. You can't go wrong with a movie." Wonwoo said.

"Umm..let's go get dinner. I'm hungry. My treat." Sujin said.

"Sounds good." Wonwoo said as they walked to a nearby restaurant.

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