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Everyone's jaws were on the floor.

Jeon Wonwoo...was a damn good goalie?

Jeon Wonwoo was a damn good goalie.


"Damn, did I suck that bad? You all are so quiet. Coups, I told you I'm not good. Just train Gyu or something-"

"Jeon Wonwoo! You have been on this team for 3 years! Why have you never revealed this to us?!" The coach yelled.

"Huh? That I'm trash at this? That's a given." Wonwoo said with a chuckle.

"Team, we have a new goalie!" Coach yelled, the other boys cheering.

"Huh? Who?" Wonwoo asked.

"Wonwoo, don't be slow. You're our new goalie!" Mingyu yelled while going over to the male excitedly.

"WHAT?!" Wonwoo yelled.

"YES! YOU!" Mingyu yelled, the two squealing like little kids.

"Seungcheol, you graduated last year but you're still impacting this team. Truly one of our greatest team captains." Coach said.

"I know. I'm amazing, Coach. Don't miss me too much. I'll visit when I have free time." Seungcheol said, fist bumping the coach.


School had ended, and it was now time for Wonwoo to meet Sujin at the bleachers.

He was already there, so he was sitting on his phone while waiting for Sujin.

"Wonwoo! Hi! You ready?" Sujin asked while coming up behind him.

"Yeah. Thanks again for doing this." Wonwoo said.

"Of course." Sujin said as they began walking to her car.

"So...any plans for after senior year?" Wonwoo asked.

He wants to know about my future! Sujin thought.

What the hell do people talk about? That was good, right? Wonwoo thought.

"I want to get into modeling or something. What about you?" Sujin asked.

"It's dumb, but I kinda want to open up a gaming cafe. All I do is sit around and play games, anyways. But it's just a stupid teenage dream. I'll probably just be a doctor like my parents or something." Wonwoo said while shrugging.

"A gaming cafe sounds so cool!" Sujin said as they made it to her car.

"You think so? I could never see myself truly owning one. My social skills are ass." Wonwoo said with a chuckle.

"That's why you hire someone to handle the social shit. Duh." Sujin said.

"Too much effort." Wonwoo said.

"So is medical school." Sujin said as she began driving to the address Wonwoo had put in the GPS.

"Oh, you live over here? Damn, you got money." Sujin said.

"Perks of having two parents that are doctors, I guess. Guess the only downside is that they're workaholics." Wonwoo said while shrugging.

"I guess."

"Well, thanks for this." Wonwoo said, about to get out of the car.

"W-wait. Can I...can I have your number?" Sujin asked while giving Wonwoo her phone.

"Uh, I guess?" Wonwoo said while putting his number in her phone and giving it back to her.

"Thank you so much!" Sujin exclaimed.

"Yeah, sure." Wonwoo said, waving and getting out of the car.

Sujin waited for him to go inside the house, and when he did, she screamed.


Needless to say, Sujin drove home on an incredible note.

However, the same could not be said for Mingyu.

He was pissed off during his drive home.

That asshole! Ditching me to get a ride from someone else! Who the fuck does that to their best friend?! Mingyu thought.

I wanted to celebrate him becoming the new goalie! But what does he do? Fucking ditch me! Mingyu thought.

Am I not good enough for him? Mingyu thought while pulling up to Wonwoo's place without even realizing.

"Oh shit. The fuck am I doing here?" Mingyu questioned.

"Actually! I'm gonna talk to that asshole!" Mingyu said while going to the front door and ringing the doorbell.

"Mingyu? What's up?" Wonwoo asked while opening the door.

Wonwoo was wearing a black oversized hoodie with only boxers. And he had already taken out his contacts, now wearing his thick ass glasses. (For some reason, he was looking kinda cute to Mingyu.)

"Uh, nothing. Can I hang here?" Mingyu asked.

"You know you're welcomed here anytime." Wonwoo said while letting Mingyu in.

"Wanna watch a movie or something?" Wonwoo suggested.

"Yeah. Your room?" Mingyu asked.

"Yup." Wonwoo said as they walked to his room.

"You pick the movie." Wonwoo said while giving Mingyu the remote and getting into the bed.

"Hmmm...what's a movie I've been wanting to watch?" Mingyu questioned while getting into the bed as well.

"Ooh, found one." Mingyu said, sitting the remote down and getting closer to Wonwoo.

"What?" Wonwoo asked.

"Nothing." Mingyu answered, big spooning Wonwoo all of a sudden.

"Woah- what the hell are you doing?" Wonwoo asked, too scared to face Mingyu as his cheeks were pink.

"Shhh, it's not gay if we don't make it gay." Mingyu said, laying his head on Wonwoo's shoulder.

"Umm...o-okay." Wonwoo said, deciding to try and focus on the movie the best he could.

But that's kinda hard when the guy you have feelings for is cuddling you.

Needless to say, Wonwoo went to sleep happy that night.

Not even checking his phone that was filled with messages from Sujin.

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