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"AAAHHHH! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO IN THERE?!" Mingyu screamed while clinging onto Wonwoo's arm.

"Mingyu, this movie it so fucking fake, it might as well be a comedy." Wonwoo said with a chuckle.

"Shut up Won- AAHHH!" Mingyu screamed again, hiding his face in Wonwoo's cheat.

Wonwoo blushed while tensing up slightly.

"Want me to turn it off?" Wonwoo asked while patting Mingyu's back.

"No! I'm tough as fuck! I'm Kim motherfucking Mingyu! I'm not scared of a stupid horror movi- AAAHHH!" Mingyu scared as someone opened the door to Wonwoo's room and turned on the lights.

"Mingyu, are you alright, sweetie? Wonwoo, stop traumatizing the boy with these movies!" Wonwoo's mom said.

"I-I'm okay. Sorry." Mingyu said.

"You're home earlier than expected." Wonwoo said.

"I came back for something to eat. I'm tired of fast food, so I was going to cook something really quick. But I checked the microwave and saw Mingyu's burgers. Thanks so much, sweetheart! And you know you're always welcome no matter what! Bye!" Wonwoo's mom said while waving and leaving the room.

"Your mom scared the living shit out of me." Mingyu said while catching his breath.

"I think that's enough of the horror movie for you. Here, I'm gonna take a shower. Watch cartoons or something." Wonwoo said, cutting off the horror movie and giving Mingyu the remote.

"Don't leave me!" Mingyu whined.

"It's for like 20 minutes, you'll be fine." Wonwoo said.

"Please! I'm scared. You did this to me! At least let me join you!" Mingyu said, Wonwoo choking on his spit.


"I won't stare or anything! I'll just sit in the bathroom while you take a shower. Please." Mingyu begged.

Oh. I thought he was suggesting we shower together. Wonwoo thought.

"Or we could shower together." Mingyu said with a smirk.

"Just sit in the damn bathroom, Gyu." Wonwoo said as he took off his glasses and set them on his nightstand.

I'd probably get hard if we showered together. And that would be hard to explain. Wonwoo thought.

"Okay." Mingyu said as Wonwoo got his clothes and made his way to the bathroom, Mingyu following closely behind.

"Alright, turn around, creep." Wonwoo said.

"I see you change in the locker room all the time. And we're both dudes." Mingyu said.

"Ugh. You're fuking annoying." Wonwoo muttered.

"Whatever." Mingyu said while playfully rolling his eyes.

Wonwoo sighed while taking his shirt off.

"Damn, Jeon Wonwoo. If I was a girl, I'd be wet right now." Mingyu said, Wonwoo now rolling his eyes.

"You're a dick." Wonwoo said.

"Don't be shy, strip some more." Mingyu teased.

"Keep this up and we'll watch another horror movie." Wonwoo threatened.

"Rude! Fine!" Mingyu whined, now actually turning away from Wonwoo.

Chuckling, Wonwoo took the remainder of his clothes off and got into the shower.

"There! I didn't look! Happy now?" Mingyu said, and though Wonwoo couldn't see him, he could tell that the male was pouting.

"You're such a baby. And yes, I'm very happy." Wonwoo said with a chuckle.


A/n: wtf did i used to yap about😭

i end these chapters not knowing what to say omg

yall feel free to ask me questions about shit so i can yap in the next chapters omg-

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