Chapter Seven

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A/N - continued talk on SA and mature content 

We both get called back into the room, and Elizabeth restarts the recording. 

"Okay, so what happened after this?" Tom asked 

This time Zach spoke up, " I got her home and looked after her, but the next night while i was out with friends, Peter got his friends and they beat me outside of the old pub in town, all because I stopped the situation that happened the night previous." 

"Did you know his friends?" Tom questioned 

"No, I never seen them before" Zach replied 

"Ah right okay, and so was this the last of it then?" Elizabeth says 

"No... there's a video going round now of what happened on Friday. Everyone in school has now seen it." 

"Do you have it there?" Elizabeth asks 

I took out my phone and showed the video. But now there is more than one and it's been shared everywhere. 

"Okay, can we take your phone and we'll be able to get all of the videos into evidence. " Tom said 

"Yeah, no problem. After the video that's been the last I've heard of Peter" I reply 

"Good. Once you get your phone back, I would recommend blocking him and try and create as much distance as you can. What are you wanting out of this?" Elizabeth asked me 

"I just want him to leave me alone, if he doesn't then I think I would want a restraining order. But I'll take it one thing at a time" I reply 

"Okay, well thank you. That's us for today. We will call you to update you with anything. Can we take Zachary's number to contact you since we will have your phone?" Tom asked

I nod my head and we all stood up. We thank the officers for their time, shaking their hands and we walk out of the station. Zach grabs my hand and takes me into his car.

"Zach can we just order something to the house, I really don't feel like going out right now" I ask him

"Of course darling, whatever you wish" 

We drove to his house, once we arrived at his he walked me into the house and showed me where his room and his bathroom was. He handed me a towel and gave me spare clothes to change into. 

"While you're getting changed I'll order the pizza, so then it'll be here when you're ready" Zach said to me 

"Perfect, thank you so much Zach" I reply 

30 minutes later**

As I walk into his bedroom I see that the pizza is here. Hes made his bed comfy with fairy lights and Netflix is loaded up on his TV. 

"Hey darling, what movie were you wanting to watch?" Zach asks 

"I'm not too sure, why don't we let Netflix pick?" I say 

"Ohh I've never done that before, sure" Zach says, pressing the shuffle button on Netflix. 

Netflix ends up picking 50 shades of grey. We both burst out laughing. 

"Are you sure about this?" Zach asks 

"Yeah, what's the worst that could happen" I reply 

He starts the movie, and we both get stuck into the pizza. As we're watching the movie I realise how close Zach is to me. He then wraps his arm around me, and I snuggle into him. An hour into the movie is when the sex scenes start getting really wild. I start to feel my cheeks heat up and that same feeling I felt in the shower, slowly starts to return. I can feel Zach's blue eyes stare down at me, but i refuse to look at him. Feeling of excitement and nervousness flooded throughout my whole body. He starts tracing his hand up and down my arm, causing tingles to ignite through my body. I don't think I will cope much longer with him touching me. I turn my body towards him, craving to be closer to him, my hand resting on his chest. He lifts my chin so I'm forced to look at him. 

My eyes meet his, and a deep red blush appears across my cheeks. 

"Are you nervous darling?" Zach asks 

I nod my head, suddenly losing the ability to speak. He smiles down at me, a slight boyish smirk. He slowly moves his face closer to mine until his lips are centimetres away from mine. I lick my lips feeling nervous.

"Can i?" 

I don't reply and close the distance between us. My hands going straight to his hair. Our kiss is soft and gentle, making me swoon. The kiss continues, I reach for the bottom of his shirt, I look at him with pleading eyes. He smiles in return and removes his hands from me so that I can take it off. I sit up right to make it easier and once the top is off I look down at him. His whole chest is toned, as my eyes divert down I see his v-line. I bite my lip and my hands thinking before I do, reach down and touch his chest. He shivers at my touch. 

I like the way he reacts to my touch. I move closer to him, needing more of his touch. My hands wrap around his neck, kissing him again. The kiss deepens and the pace quickens. He moves me until he's on top of me. My grip tightens on him, causing our bodies to have no space between them. 

"Darling, I'm not going to be able to hold myself back for much longer" He forces out 

"You don't have to Zach" I whisper looking up at him. 

"Yes I do, you're not ready for me yet, but we can practise before that stage if you want" Zach says

"Okay, I trust you" I reply 

"Just tell me when to stop and I will okay" he says kissing my lips 

"Okay I will" 

He continues to kiss me and he reaches down for my top, slowly lifting it off my head. I suddenly feel insecure but when I look at him, he looks at me like he's just won the lottery. He brings his lips to my neck and kisses down towards my boobs. I moan softly. The sound of me moaning makes him lift my bra away from my boobs and his lips meet my nipple. My back arches into his touch causing our waists to touch. I can feel him against me, and my eyes widen. I didn't think that it would be that size. I blush deeply and continue to moan at his touch. One hand is on my boob and his mouth is on the other. He presses himself against me more until I can feel him entirely against me. My eyes roll back moaning his name. He moves away and plants one last kiss on my lips. 

"I'm sorry darling with you sounding like that I won't last much longer and I don't want to push you too far" Zach says lying beside me and bringing me closer to him

"It was perfect Zach, thank you" i smile at him catching my breath 

We don't bother putting our clothes back on and we slowly fall asleep beside each other, making sure to get sleep for school. 


Hey guys, thanks for reading!!! What do you think of Zach and Steph so far??

What do you think is going to happen in school tomorrow? 

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