chapter 1: prologue

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My name is Isabella McKenzie my friends call me Bella. I grew up in Worcester, London with my mum and my one and only friends Jessica. we were born as best friends cause our mothers were also best friends me and Jessica, we were born on the same day we were like twin. we always do thing together except having boyfriend Jessica had a boyfriend had name Seth they were so cute together and I was happy for her. She always teases me about getting a boyfriend a boyfriend for me, but I was not really interested in getting a boyfriend it is not like I don't like guy it was not really my top priority; my top priority now is getting money for my mother treatment. She is has being having mental issue ever since my father die thing has been tough for me and my mother is having depression and sometimes can't recognize me has her daughter. I have been working as a housekeeper in at the Anderson's house she has been so nice to me and treated me like her daughter and sometimes she used to give me bonus at the end of the month. So today I will be working at her for three months since she is travelling, so have to babysit her son. so, I had to call someone to take care to of my mom, so I called miss Amanda to help me take care of her for that period of time and she sure that will take good care of her, miss Amanda as always been the one take care of my mum and she has been really nice to her 

                      It was already later in the night I just finish eating my dinner and mum had already gone to bed so I quickly wash the dish and I went to check on my mum and I saw that she already sleeping I went beside her and I Caressing her hair, and I was crying I wish for her to call me her daughter again, I really hope she get better again. I went back to my room I laid on my bed I slept off.

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