Chapter 4: Leave my friend alone

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There was a knock on the door, I hurriedly open it. only to find Alex standing there, Alex is the football captain, he's smart and nice to me at least but then he then again, he gets angry easily

''Oh, hey Alex what bring you here'' I ask 

He was not shocked to see me her as if he already knew I work here from time to time, but he did see here once before. since he came here, I guess something is up

he scratches the back of his neck'' oh, uh I didn't expect to see you here today. I'm here to see Marcus, he told me to come here? oh. so, he's friends with him, too bad 

I nod '' he at the back of the house swimming, come in. I say and he does 

I walk he to the pool where Marcus is shouted ''Marcus someone is here to see you'' I shouted and then he looks up from his phone to us 

''Hey man, good to see you back'' Alex says

''I'll leave you two be, I'll prepare some sacks I said leaving them.

Me and Alex knows each other, though we are not friends, I think. He is always my partner in every paired project and stuff, that's how we got to know each other.

I prepared some orange juice for his highness and some grape juice for Alex. as l learned he is not a fan of orange, but he loves grape.

Then foe sandwiches I prepared a ham and cheese sandwich with some tomatoes and lettuces, I didn't put tomatoes foe Alex because he hates them. when I was done, I went to them and served them something to eat.

''Thanks'' Alex said

'' No problem, you guys enjoy'' I answered him not sparing a glance at Marcus

I was about to leave when Marcus's word stops me '' how do you know what he likes? don't tell me you like him? Marcus says 

''Of course not,'' I said looking at Alex. we were partner for project often and we get to tell each other stories which is part of him tell me what he likes and dislikes and I don't forget things easily that, right Alex?

There was hesitation on his side, but he nodded

''That's good, because the last thing I want is for you to like my friend, it would be so gross, l know Alex doesn't like a girl like you'' he said, and I rolled my eye and let them be

I went to my room and decided to read some book tomorrow is Monday so need to fix my stuff for school tomorrow and study in advance 

Hours passed and I look over the window, they were saying their goodbyes, Alex looks up on my window and waves at me goodbye, so I wave back at him, after that I laid on my bed to get some rest.

But before I could help myself for a nice nap, I heard a banging on the door

I open it and say '' what's is wrong with you?'' I shouted

''I don't like you hanging around with my friend. got that?''

I scoffed '' so this is it? you banged my door and disturbed me for what? we've been partners foe project often that's why I know him. I didn't even know you were friend with him and also you don't have a right to control over people I talk with even if the person is your friend, but don't worry I don't like him'' I say sarcastically sweet

He stared at me with his furious eyes and then left to go to his room and slam the door 

''Asshole'' I murmur to myself as I did the same with the door 

Can my life get any worst, I really hate this guy.

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