chapter 2: Meeting the Bad Boy

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''Mom! I'm going now, I'll leave miss Amanda here with you, take care, I shouted as I pull my luggage out of the house.

but she didn't answer me, I really hope she get well soon. I sighed

miss Amanda, thanks for agreeing to look after my mom''

''don't worry about her. don't thank me it's my job alright? off you go now, don't want to be late' she tells me, and I hug her

'' Really, thanks you'' I whisper, and she nods

After that, I ride a bus and not long after I reach the Anderson's house.

I knock on their door. as soon as it opens a smile on Mrs. Anderson's face was clear, so I smiled back.

''Isabella, you're a life saver'' she says hugging me and I chuckled

''You said you were leaving today and in had to be here'' I answered 

''We are. Actually, you're right on time. we are about to leave, so you handle everything here alright? your room is upstairs, one on the right. same as before'' she says, and I nod

''Alright, anything else?''

''My son is not here yet. can't wait for you to meet him. he'll be here later and I sure you can't wait to him here neither 

'' yes, I can't wait, how old is he, is he in pre-school or tutor today? I ask smiling 

Mr. Anderson chuckled'' I had given him an ultimatum. that's why you haven't seen him in years. he is his just one year older than you. He always finds trouble, so we need a favor and set him straight.'' he says as they fix my stuff

'' Wait, what? uhm, I don't know how to baby someone my someone older than me'' I say in disbelief

''You can do it sweetheart'' Mrs. Aderson smiles at me then shout ''babe let's go

''Okay, we'll get going now see you in 3 months and take care of the house and our son. thank you, Isabella, she says hugging me and leaving the house

'' but -- but -- how can I -----

'''Goodbye dear, call me if you need anytime but pls unless it is emergency understand me right, take care'' she said 

I nod because I do. it's their wedding anniversary. after many years of been married. they really needed the vacation. I know because I have been with then for 2 years now. 

''After saying goodbye to them, I went inside to go to my room when I meet miss grace, miss grace has been the house maid to the Anderson's she has been all nice to me and we get along a lot.

''Hey grace'' I said hugging her 

''Hey Bella, how you are doing and how is your mom is she improving she say, and I sighed

''She is okay how she gets well soon

''Don't worry my dear she well be fine okay, just take care of yourself and be strong

''Thanks grace you are the best, I say smiling

''I know, she says, and I chuckled

''I am going to my room now, I wanna quickly arrange my stuff and rest a little bit I am tried, we chat later

'' okay sure, I will wake you up when dinner is ready, she says, and I nodded with a smile 

'' I went to my room arrange my stuff in the room and lie down on the bed to call jessie

'' Hello sweetie, I say

'' Hello belle, what wrong

''Nothing much just thing how I am going to be babysitting a boy one year older than me, does than make any sense 

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