Chapter 5: Little devil

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    Monday came and I am in school fixing my things in my locker when there was a tap on my shoulder, and I turn around to see jessie

'' oh, hey!'' I speak

''How are you doing, I told you to call me, but you didn't. so how are thing with your guy you are babysitting.

''Well, it is not going well, the guy's name is Marcus, and he is trouble'' I said sighing  

'' Oh, really but he is handsome right'' she said giggling

''Well, you can say so but he his gonna give me a lot of trouble, God knows how I am going to put up with him'' I said

''Don't worry bestie, I am sure you will be able to do this''

'' Really, why are people telling me that I can do did, what of if I don't'' I said

''Bella just believe in yourself okay, he cannot be that bad''

''Oh, really you are just saying this because you haven't met him yet''

''Whatever you-- she was saying something when Alex interrupted

''Uh -- hey'' he said

''Oh hey'' I say

''Uh yeah, can I burrow your notebook? I just need to copy somethings'' he said

'' yeah, sure take it and pls make sure to bring it back before the last period''

''Yeah thanks'' he says as he faces jessie

''Oh, hey jessie'' he says to jessie

''Yeah, hey'' she says as Alex walks away and immediately the bell ring

''Uhm Bella I will see to later I got class bye; love you mean it'' she says

''hate you kidding'' I said smiling. it has always been our habit. Then I went to class waiting for our professor, then I decided to call miss. Amanda 

''Hello miss. Amanda, how are you doing? and how is mom?'' I asked through the phone

''I am doing good dear, your mom is same as usual, she doesn't talk and when she talks, she talks about your father only ''

'' Any tantrums so far?'' I ask


''I guess she just do it with me huh?'' I said sadly but trying to mask it off with a chuckled

''Bella don't say that everything will be fine soon.''

''I nodded even though she can't see me. Alright, thank you again, I will call back later '' I said, and I hung up. I sighed as I play with my phone and staring at it

'' You look sad is everything okay'' I look up to see Alex

''I smiled ''yeah'' then he sat down beside me 

''Doesn't look like you're okay to me''

I didn't answer. I don't want anyone to know about my personal problems.

''I won't force you to talk but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here'' he says putting his hand on my shoulder

I smiled at him and mumbled thanks then Marcus came in. His eyes were looking for someone then when he spotted Alex, his eyes went on me and then Alex hand on my shoulder. then he glared at me.

''Alex'' he says

''come and on man, sit here'' Alex says

Marcus, me and Alex. that's our sitting arrangements. Even though Marcus is older than me we were in still in same class.

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