chapter3: Meeting the Bad Boy 2

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   Morning came and it was already six in the morning. Grace usually prepares breakfast at seven, so I got from the bed, and I went to take my shower after I wore my cloth and went downstairs

''Hey Grace, good morning

''Good morning dear, how was your night, hope you slept well.

''yes, I did thanks.

'' Okay sit-down breakfast is ready'' she said, and I nodded. we started eating when I heard a voice from behind

''Good morning, Grace. a voice says and we look over who it was, and it was Marcus.

''Isabella'' he casually says

''Sit now and eat'' Grace says and he obliged. During the breakfast he didn't mention anything about last night

''Your parent said that you are allowed to go out, but curfew is 8 at night'' Grace says

''Okay, got it'' he says

Then there was moment of silence

''So, Isabella you go to the same school as l am?'' he asks

''Yes, and your parents told me to keep an eye on you'' I answer

''That's great, even at school'' he says sarcastically

''Don't worry. As long as you don't get in trouble, we will not have any problems''

''Well, that's even harder to do'' he answers and smirk

After that heated discussion, we help grace to do the dish in the kitchen or let just say I help grace cuz Marcus was busy scrolling on phone and smiling. when we were done fixing the kitchen I went to my room to call jessie we I heard someone shouted my name 

''Isabella!'' I hear Marcus's shout. Then I open my room door only to see Marcus standing there

''what is it'' I asked

''I need you to do me a favor'' he says

''It depends on what the favor is'' I said, and he smirk

''I want you to leaven this house this minute'' he said

'' what? are you nut, well sorry to burst your bubble I am not leaving this house unless your parent tells me to. I said smiling

He bobbed his head, maybe angrily, I can't describe it right now but he's mad. well, I said what is true, he can't force me to leave, he can't tell me what to do unless his parent calls me and tell me themselves. He fished out his phone to call someone but then one on pick and tried again but still no answer, the moment he tried again I have known it was his parent that he tried to contact so I smiled then he looks at me confused

''No one is answering right?'' I said he looks at me angrily confused

''yeah, the kinda told me that no calls unless it is emergency and I think your parent know you so well that they know you don't like me being here babysitting you. Actually, it kinda weird babysitting a guy older than me but now I think I like it controlling a guy older than me, what do you think? I bet you like it. I said smiling and he looks at me angrily

''Why can't you just leave?'' he shouts at me angrily 

'' Shhh, grace might hear you and am sure you don't sure you don't want her scolding you and also, I will tell you again that I can't leave unless your parent tells me to do so, just get use to me being here'' I said smiling 

he was breathing heavily and his fist clenches as his knuckle turns white and then storm off 

''I'll tell you when they call me!'' I shout to tease him more, I chuckled to myself and went to my room to study 

Nothing really happened, he didn't leave the house for the whole day he just swims his anger off in their swimming pool.

I would lie if I said I didn't interest me but not because of his sexy body well let just say a little but mostly because it's fun teasing him and making him angry.

The rest of the afternoon was peaceful I was busy studying while Marcus was in the swimming pool all day.



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