Chapter 8: Just Human

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Izuku clicked his tongue. His patience was already wearing thin with the man he had mixed feelings on hot on his tail and his old bully. Now there was this other teen that could conjure ice in the mix.

This was getting bothersome.

Looking down on All Strike, Izuku mouth forming a frown as he unsummoned Torrent, his trusty steed neighing in protest as he vanished into blue motes. The ice not strong enough to carry his body weight broke and gravity took hold of his body.

Landing on the ground, Izuku could feel the tension hanging thick in the air. His eyes roamed the area, stopping on certain people as he devised a plan to get out of here without much bloodshed.

Katsuki looked feral, looking eager to blow him to the next life, the sick bastard, All Might looked like he swallowed a lemon, and the new arrival seemed to be bored.

With Katsuki and All Might, he had a chance to run and leave them all behind via Torrent, fully knowing that Katsuki wouldn't be able to keep up and All Might focusing on the safety of his students first and foremost.

But with the teen with half-colored hair showing up? That plan just went down the drain. The glacier that encompassed half his and Torrent's body happened in nearly seconds.

Sighing, Izuku sheathed his weapon and sat cross-legged on the floor. There was no point in further fighting. He wasn't their enemy anyway; they just had a big misunderstanding because he wasn't a part of their class.

His mother could wait. Now, he needed to make sure that the rest of the frog girl's friends get out unharmed with the villains still plaguing this large dome.


All Might quickly approached the knight and slapped on cuffs around his wrists while also grabbing his sheathed sword. It was a relief that the knight surrendered. From the way he backhanded his punch earlier, the knight was strong enough to possibly match him.

No regular villain had ever parried one of his punches before.

At least the knight made it quick. He didn't even react when the cuffs wrapped around his wrists in a tight hold, but he did however release a growl when he grabbed his sword.

Understandable, but safety protocols first. Can't be too careful.

"Young Bakugo!" All Might called the ash blond who looked like he was still itching for a fight. "Escort this villain to the rest of your class near the entrance and wait for reinforcements. If a villain comes to close, you have my permission to take them down with your quirks."

A grunt was all he got but that was par for the course for the blond teen.

"Young Todoroki, you as well." This time, he didn't get any kind of verbal response, just a shrug and a slow nod.

With two of his students on their way to relative safety, next was making sure the rest of his students were fine. Starting with young Asui and those that were with... Oh dear god...

All Might rushed towards young Mineta, his fingers shredded and bleeding profusely. Grabbing a first aid kit he always had on his person, he disinfected the wound and wrapped the bloody appendages with gauze.

The impromptu treatment would have to do until the paramedics arrive. He could already see the headlines for news outlets tomorrow. Damned, vultures. No doubt, they would paint this as the failing of the school and heroes.

"A-All Might-sensei..." A voice garnered his attention and he turned to see young Asui with all fours on the ground. "There... There was a misunderstanding, kero..."

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