Chapter 21: Building Towers

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Once everybody was relatively recovered, Izuku had them sit on the ground since there weren't any chairs provided in the training area. They sported bruises, some of them had slightly crooked noses because of his heavy hits, but overall, they were fine. Nothing a little rest and a quick visit to Recovery Girl can't, bruised egos aside.

"Okay, everybody listening to me?" Silence reigned through the area, none of the students even uttering a single peep as they all stared at Izuku with either a glower or fear. "I assume that's a yes. Anyway, first order of business, your fighting sucks."

This got a reaction as most of the students got up from their sitting position to decry against the insult. A scathing glare from Izuku shut them up,

"Are you all daft? I just kicked your asses 1 - 40, and you still think your fighting skills are good enough?" Taking a page from Katsuki's abrasiveness, Izuku stomped forward, stopping just shy away from one of the students. He bent down, nose nearly touching as he glared into the student's eyes. "You think you can beat me? Here and now?"

Said student yelped and recoiled back in terror, his head full of purple balls jiggling animatedly. Izuku withdrew his head, eyes scanning the rest of the students, most of which had their heads hung down.

"What about the rest of you? I see some of you with the will to fight. You want to continue?" They all bowed their heads, tails tucked between their legs. "That's what I thought."

Izuku retreated from the group, back turned away from them. Once he was a good few meters away, he turned back around and grabbed All Strike that was propped up against a wall.

"As I was saying, all of your fighting sucks. No, I don't care if you have good synergy with some of your peers, but if you're somehow caught lacking in the field all alone, there is nothing that can save you other than yourself." Izuku tapped his zweihander against the ground, the sound of a muffled thump echoing throughout the area. "As such, this lesson will all be about single combat. Each of you find a partner. Anyone would do. You have a minute."

The students all looked at each other in relative silence, before they all gazed back at Izuku. Narrowed eyes were all it took to push the students to do as he said, all of them standing up to find the partner who they were going to beat up.

It didn't take long for all of them to find a partner willing to get their teeth knocked in. Izuku smiled when he saw some of them excited for the oncoming spar. It would be funny if they found out that what he had in mind was not just the regular spar, but full on no holds barred fighting. He wondered how some of the students would react if they lost a finger or two. Definitely horrified, of course, but it would be curious to see it in person.

"You all paired up? Good. Now fight." The students pretty much had gobsmacked faces, and frankly, that was just no good. "Are you all deaf? I said fight! Or do you want me to kick all of your asses again?"

"Uh, sir..." A raised hand caught his attention. It came from a bespectacled teen with engines in his calves. "You didn't mention the rules yet..."

"There are no rules. Go all out. First one knocked out loses." Izuku shrugged and the students were back to gaping their mouths at him. "What are you all waiting for? Just go at it. Those that remain standing will be given points, and those that fall will earn nothing. Note that this will affect your performance rating in your grades."

And just as fast as Izuku laid down the ultimatum, chaos began. He didn't know who started it, nor did he care, but it was enough to get the others raring to go. And if they managed to get into a free for all because of friendly fire? Then even better.

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