chapter 3 ~ the zoom call

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you wake up nice and early at 8am. you go shower and then start getting ready for the chemistry read.
you change into this:

you put some makeup on (just some mascara, concealer and lipgloss) and decide to curl your hair to make you look as presentable as possible

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you put some makeup on (just some mascara, concealer and lipgloss) and decide to curl your hair to make you look as presentable as possible.

you check the time: 9:50 am

you rush down stairs and set up your laptop and get the best possible lighting. you go onto zoom and wait for the call to start.

at exactly 10:00 am you get a request to join a zoom call, you click accept and see scott, gwen and a loading screen..

S: "mason, your internet, could you get some better connection?"

mason? you thought, that must be whos playing finney. masons screen finally stopped loading and you could see his face, damn was he beautiful.

S: "okay so were going to see how you instinctively connect and work with each other so just pretend im not here"

M: " hi mason, hi Y/N, im madeleine!"

M: "hey"

Y/N: "hiiii"

you and maddy talked the whole zoom call, mason talked a bit but he seemed to be caught up in his thoughts.

half way through the call scott came back and told mason to speak up.

M: "sorry i was just.. thinking"

~~~~~~~~~~~~MASONS POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

i tried joining the zoom call but my damn internet was being slow, i finally got a good connection and my screen loaded, i seen a girl, a little younger than me, with brown hair and blue eyes. then i looked to the other side of my computer screen and seen an angelic girl with beautiful _____ hair and mesmerising _____ eyes. i was so struck by her looks i forgot to speak.

S: mason speak up

shoot i was completely lost in her eyes.

~~~~~~~~~ BACK TO YOUR POV ~~~~~~~~~~

mason seemed to have clicked out of his daze after scott told him to speak up because he started talking alot more, we actually all got along really well!

a few minutes later scott told us that he would email us about any changes he wants to make or if he wants to keep us as the cast. we all said okay and said goodbye to eachother

while on the zoom call we shared all our socials to get to know eachother better.

i was so tired after the zoom so i went upstairsto take a nap.


please tell me id i should continue this story 🙏
if nobody's reading it idk if i should 😭
also sorry for the shorted chapter
ima start writing the next one rn tho 🥰

words: 439

love yall

he may not be perfect.. but he's all i want ~ mason thamesWhere stories live. Discover now