chapter 17 ~ the coffee shop

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~~ Y/NS POV ~~
i woke up at 9 am the next morning and went to breakfast with maddy since we both didn't have to be on set until 12 pm. we went to a cute little coffee shop down the road. we both got some pastries and a coffee each and sat down to eat.

maddy: um.. were you mad at me yesterday for hanging out with mason?..

i looked up at her and then back down at my coffee

Y/N: no.. i was just.. i dont know.

maddy: what do you mean?

Y/N: i dont know.. he confuses me so much.

maddy: well were you jealous or something? do you like him? if you do ill stop hanging out with him so much

Y/N: no, god no! i don't like him, i mean.. he hates me, i can't like him.. i just find it hard to hate him.

maddy: oh i get it!!

Y/N: mhm. i mean, he seemed to like me 2 weeks ago and now he hates me, i just dont get what i did

maddy didn't say anything for a few seconds, then she looked at me

maddy: im definitely not ment to be telling you this.. but mason said that he hates you and i asked him why and he said that i wouldn't get it because its something only you two would understand and then i kinda told him that you didn't seem to know what was going on with him because you asked me why he was acting like that..


maddy: sorry.. are you mad?


maddy: he asked me if you cared, i was just confused and asked him what he ment, and then he asked if you were upset so i said that anyone would be if they were being treated how hes been treating you, right

Y/N: mhm, go on

maddy: he said that thats not what he ment

Y/N: tf did he mean then?

maddy: exactly, thats what i said!! anyway, he asked if you were upset that it was him treating you like shit, then he asked if you were more upset about the words hes using or the fact that its him using them, do you know what he means by that?

i stared at her for a fee seconds before answering

Y/N: yeah.. i think i what did you say?

maddy: i told him that he should talk to you.. has he yet?

Y/N: nope.

maddy: makes sense..

Y/N: what?

maddy: after i told him to talk to you he said that he cant, i ask him why and he said its too hard, after everything hes done

Y/N: what does he think he's done?

maddy: he said he's been rude, called you names, talked bad about you and ignored you.

Y/N: well his list is accurate

maddy: anyway i asked him why he's been doing all of it, he said he doesn't know

Y/N: then what did he say?

maddy: nothing.. scott knocked on my trailer door and told us we gas to be on set so we had to leave.

Y/N: you've got to be kidding me!!

maddy: i know right!

we finished up our food and coffee and left to go to set.

sorry this is kinda short, im soooo unmotivated to write 😭😭

words: 581

love yall 🥰

he may not be perfect.. but he's all i want ~ mason thamesWhere stories live. Discover now