chapter 13 ~ page 78

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you wake up the next morning and remember what you had done the night before.

shit. why did i do that, i need to get over him.

you stand up and walk over to the mirror and stare at yourself, you repeatedly say:

"i do not like mason thames"
"i hate mason thames"

"mason thames does not like me"
"mason thames hates me"

(those words hurt me to type)

in hope that this would make you get over him. you sigh when you realise that it didn't work.
you can hear the others downstairs and decide to go join them. you walk down the stairs slowly and hesitantly, until one of the floorboard creek and everyone turns their heads to look at you.

brady: good morning, you ray of sunshine

he joked and tristan and jacob laughed with him. you notice that mason hasn't looked at you once since  you came downstairs, which was unusual for him.
you just roll your eyes and walk up to maddy

Y/N: hi.

maddy: i think we should talk

Y/N: agreed.

maddy grabs your hand and tells the rest that you guys will be back in a few minutes. you guys go to the bathroom and you lock the door so no one else can come in.

m: so what happened with you last night? i tried checking on you but you didn't answer your door.

Y/N: maddy, i really dont know, i dont know what made me do that..

m: well who is it that you love that doesn't love you back?

you just stare at her for a few seconds, waiting for her to realise who you loved,

m: ooh..

she said when she finally realised.

Y/N: yea..

m: well why do you think he doesn't love you back?

Y/N: well last week when we had our sleepover, he kissed me goidnight..


you quickly cover her mouth,

Y/N: omg maddy, shut the fuck up! and he kissed me on the forehead so it doesn't even count.

m: shoot, sorry! anyway, what does that have to do with him not loving you?

Y/N: yesterday when we were playing never have i ever and it got to his turn, do you remember what he said?

m: something like "never have i ever done something i regret" right?

Y/N: yea

you stare at her waiting for her to connect the dots,

m: what, why are you staring at me like that, do i have something on my face?

Y/N: omg, no dummy, connect the dots!!

she stares at you confused for a few seconds

m: ooooooohhhhh! he regrets kissing you?

Y/N: yea

m: why though?

Y/N: idk, probably because i awkwardly said goodnight after

m: wdym?

Y/N: well when he kissed me on the forehead he said goodnight to me, i was too stunned to speak so i awkwardly just said "yea goodnight mase" like and idiot.

m: oh, thats bad..

Y/N: exactly, and now im pretty sure he hates me.

m: im sure he doesn't, come downstairs and ask to talk to him.

Y/N: okay, ill try.

you guys go back downstairs and you try to talk to mason but he ignores you,

Y/N: hey guys, were back

jacob: so what was that outburst about yesterday?

he said while laughing

miguel: bet it was about masonnn!!

mason: shut the fuck up, none of you guys are funny.

he says completely serious, you cant help but smile at this. mason looks at you smiling

mason: what the fuck are you smiling at?

Y/N: what the fuck if your problem?

you say shocked, he just bumped into you while walked passed you.

everyone laughs.

Y/N: what the fuck is going on?! why is everyone laughing?

miguel: page 78

everyone laughs again

Y/N: what the fuck does that mean?

brady: did you not read the whole script

Y/N: ive only ready to page 65 so far..what happens on page 78?

jacob: you'll see once you read it

Y/N: ugh why is everyone being so difficult, why cant you guys just tell me!

you run up to your bedroom and get your script out and flick to page 78, you scan your eyes down the page, trying to find out whats so funny.. until you see it. oh you've got to be kidding me.

hehe cliffhanger 😽
next chapters gonna start with masons pov
this ones long enough ig

words: 761

love u sm 💗

he may not be perfect.. but he's all i want ~ mason thamesWhere stories live. Discover now