Chapter 4 : Unveiling the Past

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One evening, as they were sitting in a quiet corner of the park, Amayra felt a surge of emotions. She knew it was time to tell Gojo about her past.

"There's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice trembling. "I had a boyfriend before. He was my first love, and he cheated on me."

Gojo listened attentively, his heart aching for her. "I'm so sorry, Amayra."

Amayra continued, tears in her eyes. "He made me believe that we could overcome any obstacle, but in the end, he used the excuse of religion to break up with me. I went through a lot of depression after that."

Gojo gently wiped her tears away. "You don't have to go through this alone anymore. I'm here for you, and I'll never hurt you like that."

In that moment, Amayra felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She realized that Gojo was different, and she was ready to trust him completely.


Amayra : *looking at Gojo* Hey, Gojo, can I ask you something?

Gojo : *smiling warmly* Of course, Amayra. What's on your mind?

Amayra : *taking a deep breath* Have you ever been in a relationship before?

Gojo : *pausing to think* No, I haven't. You're actually the first person I've ever felt this way about. Why do you ask?

Amayra : *looking down, her voice soft* I... I wanted to tell you something about my past. It's been on my mind a lot, especially since you kissed me yesterday.

Gojo : *gently taking her hand* You can tell me anything, Amayra. I'm here for you.


Amayra takes a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. The memory of her past relationship still hurts, but she knows she needs to share it with Gojo.

Amayra : *voice trembling slightly* I was in a relationship once, a while ago. At first, everything seemed perfect. He was kind and attentive, and I thought he truly cared about me. But then, things started to change.

Gojo : *squeezing her hand gently* What happened, Amayra?

Amayra : *tears welling up in her eyes* He cheated on me. I found out by accident, and when I confronted him, he didn't even try to deny it. Instead, he blamed me, saying I wasn't enough for him. It broke my heart.

Gojo : *looking deeply concerned* I'm so sorry, Amayra. That's terrible.

Amayra : *nodding* It gets worse. After we broke up, he started sending me pictures-private pictures that we had taken together. He threatened to share them publicly if I didn't do what he wanted. I felt so violated and scared.

Gojo : *anger flickering in his eyes* That's unforgivable. No one should ever treat you like that.

Amayra : *tears falling freely now* I felt so alone and ashamed. I didn't know who to turn to. That experience left me terrified of getting close to anyone again. I'm scared, Gojo. I don't want to go through that pain again.

Gojo : *pulling her into a gentle hug* Amayra, I'm so sorry you went through that. You didn't deserve any of it. I promise you, I would never do anything to hurt you. Your trust means everything to me.

Amayra : *clinging to him, her voice trembling* Please don't leave me, Gojo. I don't think I could handle it if I lost you too.

Gojo : *holding her tightly* I'm not going anywhere, Amayra. I'm here for you, always. We'll take this one step at a time, and I'll be by your side through everything. You're not alone anymore.

They stay like that for a while, Amayra finding comfort in Gojo's embrace. She feels a sense of relief and safety, knowing that he understands her past and is willing to stand by her no matter what. The bond between them grows stronger, built on trust and mutual support.

Amayra takes a deep breath, deciding to share the full story with Gojo. It's not easy for her, but she knows that if anyone deserves to understand her past, it's him.

Amayra : *sitting down with Gojo, her hands trembling slightly* I think you deserve to know everything, Gojo. It all started when I was in 11th standard. I was new at my school, and it seemed like a lot of the boys had a crush on me. Many of them proposed to me, but I always told them I wasn't ready for a relationship.

Gojo : *listening intently, holding her hand supportively* That must have been overwhelming.

Amayra : *nodding* It was. But then, there was this boy I met from our class only. He was different. We had little conversations that made me blush a lot. His flirting made me feel special, and before I knew it, I had fallen for him. When we met in person, I was attracted to him, but not as much as I was to our online interactions.

Gojo : *gently* What happened next?

Amayra : *sighing* One day, he proposed to me, and for the first time, I accepted someone's proposal. I had received many proposals before, but I never accepted any. With him, it felt different. I thought he was a green flag because of the way he treated me. Even his friends seemed to think he had changed because of me. They supported his story that I was the first girl he was truly interested in.

Gojo : *frowning* That sounds like it must have been very convincing.

Amayra : *voice trembling* It was. I believed him. But later, I found out it was all a setup. He was actually a playboy, using the same excuses and stories for every girl he dated. He stayed with each girl for a few months before moving on to the next. I didn't know any of this until after we broke up.

Gojo : *anger flickering in his eyes* That's terrible, Amayra. I can't believe he treated you that way.

Amayra : *tears welling up* He told me our breakup was because of a religious barrier, and I believed him. I even thought, "Okay, if it's about religion, my parents wouldn't allow it either." But then I learned that it was just his excuse to end things and move on to someone new. I was devastated.

Gojo : *squeezing her hand* You didn't deserve that. No one does.

Amayra : *voice cracking* After we broke up, I fell into a deep depression. I felt so betrayed and used. It took a long time to recover, and even now, the scars are still there. That's why I'm so scared of getting close to anyone again. I don't want to go through that kind of pain ever again.

Gojo : *pulling her into a comforting embrace* Amayra, I'm so sorry you went through all of that. But I promise you, I'm not like him. I would never hurt you or betray your trust. You mean too much to me.

Amayra : *clinging to him, tears falling* I want to believe that, Gojo. I really do. But it's just so hard to trust again.

Gojo : *softly* Take your time. We can go as slow as you need. I'll be here for you, every step of the way. You're not alone in this.

They stay like that for a long time, Amayra finding comfort in Gojo's arms. Sharing her story is painful, but it also feels like a weight has been lifted. She knows that with Gojo by her side, she can begin to heal and open her heart again, one step at a time.

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