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The snowflakes danced around them, each one a tiny witness to the magic unfolding under the twinkling Christmas lights

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The snowflakes danced around them, each one a tiny witness to the magic unfolding under the twinkling Christmas lights. Senku and you stood together, your breath visible in the frosty air. The villagers' cheers echoed through the forest, a chorus of celebration.

Your heart raced, a symphony of joy and disbelief. You wiped away tears, your emotions swirling like the snowflakes around you. Senku's arms enveloped you, a fortress against the cold, and you sank into his embrace.

His voice was a whisper, intimate and vulnerable. "I'm sorry for making you think you needed to hide," he confessed, fingers tracing delicate patterns in your hair. "I just needed time to think about everything."

You chuckled, your laughter a fragile melody. "A whole 3700 years," You murmured. "It feels like a lifetime and an instant all at once."

Senku's smile widened, and he held you even closer. "Yuzuriha," he said, "she's the one who told me to listen to my heart. It sounds so unlike me doesn't it! "But I'm glad I did. Because I can't lose you ag-..." His voice trailed off, the unspoken fear hanging between them.

"And you won't," You interrupted, your eyes locking onto his. "Sen, you won't lose me." Your words were a promise, a vow etched into the snowy landscape.

You both stood there, two souls entwined, your love a beacon against the winter night.

The Christmas tree loomed above you, its branches heavy with the lights and memories. Senku leaned down, brushing his lips against your forehead. "I've waited for this, I wanted a special moment where I could tell you..." He whispered. "To hold you close to me like this...and this was the perfect moment..." Senku added

"Sorry for making you wait, firecracker" Senku's smile sent a warmth across your body. You smiled back

" was worth it in the end. This moment...everything about's perfect" You said, Senku's hand slowly made its way to yours, your fingers intertwining.

Senku and you spent the rest of the evening beneath the Christmas tree, wrapped in each other's warmth. Although you were wrapped up like a burrito. The villagers eventually dispersed, leaving you both alone in a cocoon of love. Senku traced patterns on your hand, his touch both tender and possessive. You had fallen fast asleep and resting against his chest. "We have tomorrow," he whispered. "And the day after that. And all the days to come."

"We'll build our world together..."

The Kingdom of Science buzzed with activity. Senku, Y/n, and the rest worked tirelessly to create the world's first telephone. You and Gen were in charge of making the manganese batteries and his off-key singing echoed through the lab, much to your amusement

"Gen," You said, suppressing a laugh, "I don't want to be rude, but singing isn't your strong suit."

"Y/n-chan, You wound me" Gen retorted, smirking, "how about you sing, then?"

You blushed. "Me? Sing? Hell nah," you replied. "I'm no better."

Gen's closed-eye smile was endearing. "I'd love to hear it," he teased. "Since my singing doesn't please you."

You patted his head. "Continue singing," You said, your heart warming.

Suddenly, Senku appeared. "Guys," he announced, "I need 800 manganese batteries."

"800?!" Gen looked miserable, earning another chuckle from you. "We'll have it finished, Sen," You reassured him.

Senku stroked your hair. "Don't overdo it," he said softly. "You've been away from experiments for too long."

"I can handle it, don't worry" You replied.

After successfully making the cell phone, and getting the phone over to Tsukasa's kingdom and actually lodging cell phone into the ground, the Kingdom of Science eagerly awaited the moment when Taiju and Yuzuriha would make the first call.

When that moment finally come, the phone rang—a miraculous connection across the miles. You looked over at Senku and smiled. Taiju's voice crackled through the receiver,



Wass all you guys could hear on the other side, you let out a chuckle, knowing well that Taiju had tears running down his face right about now.

''You are not Senku...I am'' Senku deadpanned.



The news of Chrome's capture sent shockwaves through the Kingdom of Science. Magma's panicked arrival alerted everyone, and Kohaku was ready to charge into danger. But you held her back.

"We can't go like this," You murmured. "It's too far."

Senku stepped forward. "Y/n is right," he said. "If we're going to save Chrome, we need a vehicle."

You glanced at Senku. "Even I can't keep up with him sometimes," she chuckled. Her eyes sparkled with determination.

Together, you and Senku worked on creating instructions for a steam engine. You'd discussed it at length, your minds weaving intricate plans. You sketched out the designs while Senku watched, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Sen," You asked, curiosity tugging at you, "do you think Chrome will spill the beans? About me joining?"

Senku sighed. "He'd definitely run his mouth," he admitted. The others nodded in agreement.

"Are you worried?" Senku bent down in front of you, his touch gentle as he stroked your hair.

"Maybe...." You replied. "I don't know..."

But Senku pulled you into a hug, his warmth enveloping you. "You've been overdoing it," he murmured. "Go rest. I'll handle it."

You protested, but Senku was adamant. "I'm not alone," he said, gesturing to the villagers. "And you, my princess, need to be in tip-top condition."


Your blush deepened. "Princess?"

Senku chuckled. "Yes, my princess. Now go and rest."

You couldn't believe it. "There's no way I can rest after you called me that," you mumbled, Senku let out a chuckle

He escorted you to a futon. "Rest," Senku said, teasing. He pecked your forehead before leaving.

The kingdom of science hummed with activity as you rested. Senku, worked tirelessly alongside the villagers. They gathered materials, forged parts, and assembled the steam engine—a marvel of ingenuity.

Now all that was left to do...was to save Chrome...

To be continued...

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