Lilac Ring

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Luna's POV:

I shall unearth the truth, even if it means defying Hell's hierarchy. I needed answers and I could only get my answers from one place. Filled with fury and determination, I hastened towards the forbidden sanctum known as the Library of Bleeding Eyes. Its ominous name hinted at a tale far more chilling than its forbidding exterior suggested.

A long time ago:

Hell, once a realm devoted to the purification of souls, bore little resemblance to its current incarnation. Demons dutifully executed their roles without entangling themselves in human affairs. Then came the day when an angel declared their work complete—all souls purified. Liberated from their eternal duties, the demons initially rejoiced but soon wearied of their newfound idleness. It was then that one demon dared to propose the unthinkable: a journey to Heaven, a realm forbidden to them.

Devising a plan, they shadowed an angel whose presence lingered in Hell after a routine inspection. Along the celestial path, their corporeal forms began to falter, each step marking their skin with wounds. Many faltered, but a resolute few persisted until they reached Heaven's gates. Confronted by angelic sentinels, they orchestrated discord—a demon assuming the guise of a captivating apsara, weaving praise to stoke envy and rivalry among the guards. Succumbing to base emotions, the angels erupted into conflict, allowing the demons to infiltrate Heaven.

Within, they encountered a realm of unparalleled splendor—silver floors, rivers of honey, and celestial flora in abundance. Yet, as they delved deeper, envy and resentment gnawed at them. Why did Heaven bask in such radiance while Hell languished in perpetual darkness? This question haunted them until they chanced upon a grand hall suffused with serene light. Despite the searing pain that assailed them upon entry, they pressed onward.

Inside, golden halls lined with silver bookshelves held tomes inscribed by God Himself—books forbidden even to angels, containing knowledge of all worlds—past, present, and future. Fueled by curiosity and defiance, the demons attempted theft, fleeing with these forbidden volumes, 

abandoning the demon who distracted the guards of heaven.

Returning to Hell with their ill-gotten treasures, they dared to open the books, inviting God's wrath. He cursed them, decreeing that any demon who dared read would suffer eyes bursting from the unbearable light of divine knowledge. Many succumbed, their blood staining the ground. Thus, the books remained in Hell.

Meanwhile, the demon abandoned in Heaven met a grisly fate—bound and bisected by God's command. As he died, he cursed Heaven with a prophecy:

"God, you will have your most beloved betray you, just as you betrayed us. You denied us Heaven's pleasures, consigning us to Hell's torment. We demons knew only Hell. I bestow upon your beloved the power of manipulation—he will suffer eternally, never finding peace in your heavenly realm, never feeling whole. he will be condemned to dwell among us forever."

After that, demons started luring humans with all sorts of pleasures only to devour them completely into darkness.

This tale continues to haunt me. Does God truly play favourites? Who is God? Why everyone does what he says? Why entities who doesn't obey encounters hellish fate?

Approaching the Library of Bleeding Eyes filled me with dread. I feared losing my sight before uncovering the truth. Yet, emboldened by the old demon's cryptic assurance—that I am more than a mere demon—I steadied myself. "I will endure," I vowed softly, crossing the threshold.Inside the library, no books met my gaze, only the remnants of fallen demons—dried blood and vacant eyes. Amidst this macabre scene, I searched feverishly for the forbidden tomes. Desperate for answers, I scoured every corner for a hidden entrance, until my eyes fell upon a ring of exquisite lilac hue. Its allure undeniable, I cautiously slipped it on—only to be assailed by anguished screams:"Save us! Release us from the curse!" The deafening cries pierced my ears, causing them to bleed. "Stop!" I screamed, overwhelmed, before darkness enveloped me.

End of Luna's POV

Author's Note:

Thank you, everyone, for reading this chapter. I apologize for the delay in its release. I hope you found it engaging and thought-provoking. Your support means a lot to me.

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Until next time,

Goodbye, dear readers.

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