The Rebel

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Lucifer had been lost in thought when he noticed a beautiful little anklet lying on the ground. "It must belong to Gabriel," he thought to himself. Determined to return it to her, he made his way towards her, pondering all the while. Unbeknownst to him, someone had been calling his name repeatedly, their voice unheard until a sudden touch on his shoulders startled him. Turning around, Lucifer found himself face to face with Metatron, the angel of wisdom and knowledge. He greeted Metatron warmly and inquired about his well-being, but he couldn't hide the tension that had crept onto his face. It was then that he realized his inner turmoil was evident in his expression.

Metatron's POV:

Enjoying the gentle winds of Heaven, I spotted Lucifer approaching in the distance. I waved to catch his attention, but he seemed lost in his thoughts, oblivious to my gesture. Known as God's favorite and one of the highest-ranking angels in Heaven, Lucifer was renowned for his humility and kindness. Everyone adored him. Curious as to why he hadn't responded to my calls, I tried again, calling out his name once more, but to no avail. Wondering if he was intentionally ignoring me, I decided to approach him and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. Startled, he flinched, as though he hadn't heard me before. As he turned to face me, his troubled expression replaced my initial amusement with concern. Something was clearly weighing heavily on his mind. I asked him gently, "Lucifer, why do you seem so tense?"

That's when he uttered words that shocked me to the core, words I never expected to hear in a thousand years: "What if I were stronger than God? Would I be free?" Stunned by his question, I pressed him further, trying to grasp his meaning. "What do you mean, stronger than God? How could you surpass that power? You've worshipped Him for eons; why this sudden desire?" His response shook my understanding of Lucifer completely. "I don't want to surpass Him," he said with a blank expression. "I want to challenge Him, to take His place."

I was taken aback. "You want to do what?" I asked, unable to believe my ears. He repeated with determination, "I want to be the one and only God, even if I have to rebel against Him for that." It was unfathomable. "Why, Lucifer? Why do you want to be our Lord? You know you can't take God's place. What is happening? Can't you share?" He looked troubled, saying, "I feel like a bird in a golden cage. I have everything, but I can't pursue what I truly desire." His words alarmed me. "What is it that you want?" I questioned. "I want to chase the darkness," he replied. "Chasing darkness? What do you mean?" I asked, bewildered. "Whenever I chase shadows, the light stops me. My feet freeze, my brain halts me. I crave darkness, and I'll destroy anyone who stands in my way." His words chilled me. "Chasing darkness is a sin, Lucifer. The path you're considering will cost you everything you have. You can't pursue darkness; why would you want that?" He seemed desperate, insisting, "Because it makes me whole." I struggled to comprehend his words. I tried to warn him about the consequences of rebellion, but he seemed unwilling to understand. I attempted to explain that these rules were meant to protect us, but he defiantly retorted, "What if I don't need protection?" I had never seen Lucifer like this. He had changed into someone I never knew. Something sinister and scary.

In the Hell realm:

Luna's POV:

Many questions remained unanswered after the death of the old demon. Anger simmered within me as I stood amidst the remnants of the bloody massacre I had wrought. The demons lay slain around me, their once defiant faces now frozen in eternal fear. As I struggled to make sense of the old demon's cryptic revelations, a subordinate demon approached me hesitantly.

"Queen of Hell, you have been summoned by the Lord," the demon declared with a mix of reverence and fear.

I turned to face him, my eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Summoned by the Lord? Why now?" I demanded, my voice betraying the turmoil within.

The demon hesitated, clearly uncomfortable. "I do not know the details, my Queen. But the summons is urgent, and it concerns matters of great importance," he explained cautiously.

I considered his words for a moment, the weight of the old demon's unfinished revelations still heavy on my mind. "Lead the way," I commanded, my tone brooking no argument.

The demon bowed deeply and turned, leading me through the dark corridors of Hell. As we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that this summons held answers—answers I desperately needed to understand my existence, my curse, and the truths buried within the depths of Hell.

Ahead, the Lord awaited, his throne casting a shadow that seemed to swallow even the flickering flames of Hell. What awaited me there, I could only guess. But one thing was certain: the time for answers had come, and I would not leave without them.

I bowed respectfully before the Lord of Hell as I entered his court, his imposing presence casting shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering firelight. "You have summoned me, my Lord," I began, keeping my tone respectful yet curious.

"Why did you go to the demonic prison?" he questioned sternly, his gaze piercing.

Surprised by his directness, I replied confidently, "My Lord, I am permitted to kill demons and unleash slaughter whenever I deem it necessary."

His brow furrowed in disapproval, and he asked sharply, "Did you meet Arismath there?"

Confusion clouded my mind. "Who is Arismath?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

"The old demon who just died," he clarified, his tone betraying a hint of frustration. "What did she tell you?"

Realization dawned upon me. The Lord must have been aware of Arismath's secrets. I hesitated briefly before recounting everything that had transpired in the demonic prison, holding nothing back.

"And what do you know about your father?" he inquired, his voice low and menacing.

"Nothing yet, my Lord," I admitted honestly, my heart pounding with anticipation. "But surely, as one of the oldest in this realm, you must have knowledge of my parents. Please, tell me about them," I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice.

His expression darkened with anger, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Who are you to demand anything from me?" he thundered, his voice echoing through the hall. "You have no right to know anything. Now leave."

I opened my mouth to argue, to plead further for answers, but before I could utter a word, he gestured to his royal guards with a swift motion. "Take her away," he commanded coldly.

The demons moved towards me, but I fixed them with a chilling glare that halted them in their tracks. Without another word, I turned on my heel and left the court on my own accord.

As I walked through the corridors of Hell, frustration and anger simmered within me. What was it that everyone was hiding from me? What secrets about my past and my identity were they so determined to keep hidden? The need for answers burned brighter than ever within me, fueling my resolve to uncover the truths that lay buried deep within the shadows of Hell. How can I uncover the truth? Why did the Lord summon me? Why did he ask about my father? He definitely didn't want me to meet Arismath. I will get my answers, even if I have to break Hell's hierarchy for that.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading "The Rebel." In this chapter, we witness pivotal moments that reveal the inner turmoil and ambitions of both Lucifer and Luna. Lucifer's contemplation of rebellion and Luna's relentless pursuit of answers drive the narrative into uncharted territories of conflict and revelation. This chapter sets the stage for the unfolding drama and the challenging paths our characters will face. I hope you find the evolving story as engaging and intriguing as I do. Don't forget to vote and share your thoughts! Your feedback means a lot

Stay tuned for more twists and turns!

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