Impoverished Priorities

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  "But I don't want to marry him daddy!" Your petite body manages to gasp out a scream.

  "You will do as I say, for the prosperity of the kingdom!" He barked back.

  Your tiny body pushes past your father, King Leeland of Avondale's, massive rolls. You run to your room and body slam the door as hard as you can, which doesn't do much. You bury your head into your arms and start sobbing.

  Ever since King Leeland came out as a man lover, the whole kingdom turned their backs on the royal family. They stopped paying their taxes and the kingdom fell into poverty. Ever since this, he fell into a deep depression which turned his beautiful hot handsome 6'5" self into an obese bread roll. The debts piled up and King Leeland was planning to sell you off to the rich leader of the military sect called the Hunters.

  The leader was evil, a tyrant as you might say, he murdered everyone who got in his way.

  "Jade," Even the name tasted sour in your mouth.

  "How could I ever marry such an evil man.." Your sobs grew louder. Giving up all your energy to your crying, your small body couldn't take it anymore and you passed out.

The moon had overtaken the sun when you heard a loud commotion coming from the great hall.

You rubbed your eyes warily, wondering what could have happened during this ungodly hour of night. Your dainty wrist barely managed to hold up the heavy metal of the candlestick holder that lit up your path down the dark and empty hallways of the castle.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't have your money yet!" King Leeland sheepishly pleaded.

"You will give me what is mine." An alluring, deep voice howled out.

Suddenly, a strong arm rushed to the neck of your father.

"Daddy no!" You screamed, the shock making you drop your candle and run to him immediately.

"Now what is this pretty little thing?" A curious growl erupted from a tall alluring figure. You had to crane your neck just to see what she looked like.

Holy. Shit. It was the most stunning woman you'd ever seen in your entire life. She looked like she were chiseled personally by a higher power. Her muscles GOD her muscles they look like they could lift a two ton truck!

"Uh-uhm.." You stammered. You lost your breath when you saw this beautiful figure.

Her hand dropped from your fathers neck and her fingers gently tilted up your chin as she examined you.

"This will do for now."

Whispers of the Night (Jolee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now